•Chapter 13•

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Chapter 14 is gonna be awesome hehehehe
- wee woo bitch its me author 2
Zelk's POV
It was all a dream..But I woke up again. I knew it was real because I felt stuff.

I quickly sat up.

"Lay back down." A girls voice said. I didnt know her.

I layed back down.

"Hes awake." The same voice calls.

"I thought you gave him the anesthesia."

"It wore off and we need to get another peice out right now."

"On it."

I had no idea what was going on..everything hurt. And just like that, i was asleep again.

When he wake up (quick thing: IDK ANY DOCTOR SHIT OK HHHhHHhHHhHhH)

"What happend? Do you know?" I hear someone mutter.

I heard Daves voice. "Uh, no...He just kinda fell i guess?"

I heard someone with an accent..Different that spifeys or vince.."What do you MEAN he just kinda fell what was be doing?"

"Look, Finn, i dont know."

Another voice..I have know idea who if was..It was followed by another one, too. "What the hell happend?"

"Yeah what happend?" The second voice asked after the first.

Thats when i heard spifey. "We dont know."

"Fuck now theres 2 georges-" dave looked confused.

"Just call me spifey then."

They didnt notice i was awake.

A guy who looked to be around our age who had black hair, a white t-shirt with black pants stood in the middle of spifey and the other George.

The other george walked out of the room. I could hear him through the glass.

"oH drEAAmmMmMMM-" he was chasing clay around.

Vince just laughed at what they were doing.

The other boy, the one with the white shirt, was confused as hell. "Im not sure if you know me but im Sapnap."

"Cool." Dave said leaning back in his chair.

"Oh shit hes awake-" dave said after 5m of silence.

"Uh we can go now we were just waiting for you to get up-" He said getting up.

Sapnap opend the door and held it open until dave and i walked out.

Well, they waited sk maybe they do want me around?

Ill take that as a oUI.

I really wanted to at least give a hint that i like mega..And it IS his birthday so...Maybe in a little ill do something..

I found out the new epoples names and what the go by on the internet

Finn - F1nn5ter
George (2) - GeorgeNotFound
Sapnap -  well..Sapnap.

At daves houseseses

Continues in chapter 14. 14. 14.
stupidwolfo.exe has stopped working

How Did This Happen?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora