Louis opened his locker and put away all his books, nose still scrunched up.

"Really Ni-Ni why would you wanna do that? It's just disgusting! And looked quite painful too the way the boy was touching her bum.."

"One day Lou you'll understand." Niall laughed putting an arm around his shoulders. "One day."

" Hey Leprechaun!" Liam called out from across the hall, Zayn with him holding his hand. "Oh, Lou! Almost didn't see you there, your so tiny!"

"Leave me alone I'm big!" Louis huffed clearly upset.

"Hey, it was just a joke, Lou-Lou." Zayn said kindly.

"Whatever." Louis rolled his eyes. "Let's go!"

They hopped into Liam's car, with Liam driving, Niall in the front seat and Zayn and Louis in the back.

Soon they're chattering happily about what had happened at school.

"Our History teacher, Mr. Hemsworth is honestly the most boring teacher teaching the most boring subject!" Niall claimed.

"The moment he started reading the first chapter, everyone around me was lolling their heads, asleep!"

At this Louis started laughing uncontrollably and Niall was grinning.

"Oh, you'd never believe what happened at our first class-"Zayn started before stopping abruptly at the look of horror on Louis' face.

"What happened Lou?" Zayn questioned worried.

"Zany, what happened to your neck?!" Louis gasped, moving closer to him. "It's covered in black and blue spots, there! Li -Li look, he's hurt!"

At this both the boys turn red-faced while Niall laughs out loud, tears in his eyes.

Louis leaned in and touched a practically gruesome-looking bruise nearing his jaw and Zayn snapped back away from the touch.

"Don't touch it, yeah, Lou? It's nothing, I just- um- fell down the stairs earlier, nothing big." Zayn scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.


Niall was now gasping for breath and yet still laughing. It looked so funny that even Louis started giggling watching him. Soon all of them were laughing their heads off for no apparent reason.


"Mummy, the boys are over at Zany's house, can I go too?" Louis asked.

"Pretty please?" Louis asked again, with his irresistible puppy-eyes.

"As long as one of them comes to pick you up." Jay said.

"Li-Li's coming!"

Not long after Louis and Liam were walking the 15 minute walk to Zayn's house. Louis had wrapped himself in his favorite jacket. He'd liked it 'cause it was slightly bigger than him and practically engulfed him, warm and snuggly. It was also a light blue color, another plus point.

They reached Zayn's door step quite awhile later and Liam rang the doorbell. A lot of shuffling was heard behind the door and it was opened by Zayn.

"Zany!" Louis squealed jumping into his arms for a hug. Zayn chuckled and hugged him back.

"Come inside, Niall's busy raiding my kitchen and whatever mum cooked for us." Zayn said giving a loving peck on Liam's cheek.

Louis pranced into the kitchen and spotted Niall eating up the homemade cheesecake.

"Lou your here!" Niall said.

"Hey, move off and leave some for me!" Louis yelled, cross at Niall.

"Mum went out and won't come back until midnight, she said it's fine to invite you guys over." Zayn explained while Louis and Niall fought each other for the piece of cake. Louis eventually won and happily munched on the slice while Niall stood and watched.

Feeling a bit sorry he broke off half the piece and gave it to an overjoyed Niall.

"There! Now don't be cross with me." Louis said.


They all soon made their way over to the living room and switched on the TV to watch some Netflix.

"Grease!" Louis shouted snuggling into a corner of the sofa, Niall soon joining.

"Alright!" Zayn agreed lying down on the other corner, head resting on Liam's lap.

They sat and watched for awhile scrolling through whatever came. Hours passed by and it was about 8 when Louis remembered what he had to do, slapping his head.

"Oh god, Ni we have to start work on the project we have to submit next week!" Louis said, shaking a sleepy Niall.

"Damn, your right." Niall murmured. "Hey Zen, is it fine if we use your laptop to do the research work?"

"Yeah, yeah." Zayn shooed them off snuggling into Liam's lap.

Louis and Niall headed upstairs to Zayn's room and sat down on the floor.

"I'd brought all the notebooks and things already, just forget about em ' " Niall said.

They started their work and did about a generous amount until Louis started to feel a bit thirsty.

"I'll be back, need water." Louis said, yawning.

Research work was tiring.

He went down the stairs and was almost at the kitchen when he heard some murmurings coming from the living room.

Forget all about how his mummy had said that listening in on other people's conversations is bad, he peaked his head in.

He found Zayn sitting on Liam's lap, legs on either side, his head resting at the crook of his neck, eyes closed and a small contend smile on his face as Liam whispered sweet nothings into his ear.

They both looked so peaceful in each others arms that Louis cooed internally at the sight, smiling to himself and made his way back upstairs, thirst forgotten.

How he wished that he'd find that perfect someone some day.

Louis sat back down on the floor beside Niall who seemed proud of his work so far.

"Hey Lou look, I've done about majority of the work-hey what happened?" Niall looked concerned at Louis.

"Oh, Ni when am I gonna find someone who'd love me as much as I love them." Louis cried out.

"Someone who'd be my side no matter what, cuddle me whenever I'm sad, laugh when I laugh, and eventually confess our love for each other?" Louis suddenly started sobbing on Niall's shoulder, unable to handle it any more.

"Hey Lou, don't be so emotional! It's only a matter of time until then yeah? And would you really want to leave me alone? Even I'm hurting!" Niall patted his head hugging him close as he cried.

Louis' cries eventually quietened down, an occasional sniffle or two. Niall made sure to rub his back and hold him closer afraid that he'd start up again.

Louis was known to be really emotional at times.

"Let's go home, Jay must be waiting for you." Niall said softly.

"Alright" he stood up and held onto Niall's hand as they went down the stairs.

Louis waited by the door as Niall went to tell Liam that they're leaving and then started back home.

Silently praying that that some day would arrive soon.

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