Chapter Four

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Mark p.o v

"Oh man, come on, I will be late. If you two don't want to go, just leave it, you fools" I scolded my two fellows, who are just eating my time. I had made promise that I would meet up with Perth. Talking about Perth, he is kind of acting weird, I just don't know why?

"Wait a bit, we know you are too excited to meet your beloved, Perth, right Third?" Bboun and third just smile and looked at me. Why am I feeling too hot here? Is it weather or just the my feelings?

"If you two are done with talking, lets get going". "Someone is running from the trap" third teasingly said. "Shut up, third"I cursed him.

I spotted Perth near fountain with his so called friend. Perth seems to be stressing and looks so down. I don't know what they were doing there but they seems to be in deep conversation. Why so serious? I asked myself.

I get closer to him. Maybe they sense that someone getting closer because they stop talking. They are really something. I speak in my mind. Perth looked at me and he gave a force smile, I can feel it. I am really forcing him to be with me? Or he just don't love me anymore? I am really confused. What should I do?

"Hey there, what are you doing here, I thought you would be in restaurant. Did I make you wait for long?, sorry for it". I apologized. "It's ok, no worries. We are just a minutes before you." I can feel fishy in the way he talk.

Why am I into too much thoughts. Usually I don't give damn about their feelings, but why can't I stop thinking about Perth's strange behavior. Maybe I love him too much that I am worrying so much. It can be. I assure myself.

"Ummmm". The person behind me just shake me up from my thoughts. Bboun and Third introduce themselves to Perth and his friend. Perth's friends coldly introduced himself, he seems too uninterested in anything except sticking with Perth.

Five of us had our lunch together. This was our first meals that all five of us join for meal. And that's too in silent mode. Only Perth and I know while three of them are connected through us, so they might have tough time while coming to talking and doing things. They seems too concious and very concern about their talking.

After our lunch, Bboun and third left saying they had works to do, but as far as I remember they don't have any, maybe they want to escape from the awkward situations. While Perth's friend, Fluke left since his dad was calling him.

Now the only one left is Me and my unpredictable belove Perth. Even though he smiled and talk but all I can  see is his nervous and his strange way of talking and laugh.

"Wanna go to aquarium?" The voice that I missed asked me. I just nodded as response. I holded his hand which seems like baby fingers interlock with father's fingers. Perth is tiny and fragile that makes me want to protect him.

The aquarium is so silent and the intense color makes our atmosphere warm and protected. I holds him closer and I landed my arms on his shoulder and wrapped him like sushi. He is too small that he fits well. He don't deny being wrapped by me.

He seems to enjoying the show. He would run here and there dragging me along, he never let go of my hand, it was as if I would disappear if he did. I like the way he makes me feel good. I smile at him, enjoying his child-like behaviors. We gets deeper and deeper, the aquarium exit never seems to come to end, I am not complaining, its just I love it. I enjoy the way Perth run, smiling and sometime talking with some.

Without thinking, I took out my phone and click his picture in my phone. He looked at me and he just smile. This moments, I can't never wanted it to go. I wanted to take it with me in every memories.

"I want to go to washroom, you wanna go or you will wait here", he whispered in my ears. "I am ok here, go and do your business there". We let go of our hands. I went back to sit on couch, I was pulled towards some forceful strength. I was taken aback when I was  when he land his soft on my cheek. I feel myself getting hotter. Why is he brave today? I wondered. When I looked at him, he just smile and he just turn his back to me. Maybe he was shy. I instantly catch on his wrist and pulled him towards me. He was already blushing while I was brave enough to took another step. I landed my one hand in his waist while other still on his wrist. I pull him an inches away from my face. Our nose are attached so we'll together, we could feel our breathe so well. I bend my head and kiss him. He closed his eyes as soon as our lips touch. He parted his lips responding to my kiss. We break our kiss to catch our breathe. "Go fast and come fast, ok?" I teased him. I like when he blushed, he look too cute when he blushed.

While he was gone, I took out my phone and view my gallery. I click tones of Perth pictures but what I click a moment earlier is my favourite, he looks damn cute and happy. Moreover, his stressed seems gone away for now. I really wish to know what he is going through. Maybe I can help him. But I can't blindly asked him, he is so sensitive, he might need some time to think about it. I know he would tell me when he is ready.

It's been almost fifteen minutes since he left but there is no sign of him coming back. Where are you Perth? I asked to myself. I went to washroom but he is no where to be seen.

I called his friend, Fluke in case he know, but his reply hits me hard. I was so stupid. How would Fluke know where Perth is when Perth was with me.

I search and called Perth for several times but I got no response. Where should I find him? Where? I started to get anxious.

#thank you guys for reading my story and enjoy guys🙏
#see you there in next chapter🌞

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