Chapter Two

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(Perth p.o.v)

I stare at the man in front of me and I  held his held and started running. I could feel Mark silly smile smiling at my nervous act.

I made a sudden stop which made the man behind me nearly fall.

The place remains the same. I told to myself. It's the first memory of childhood with my mom. I couldn't spend my childhood with her because she rarely comes home.

It's still beautiful with bright light fountain. I still remember playing with my mom under fountain. My mom would securely hold me. I would ran before her while she ran after me to catch. We would laugh together. Oh God I miss her a lot.

The touch on my shoulder made me jump. I could feel Mark concerned. I looked at him and smile, nodded as an answer for his concern. I am lucky to have someone who knows my thoughts.

(Mark p.o.v)

The date went well and I am having fun with Perth. Perth may act stubborn but I loves Perth more than anything. I  cant stop staring at him, everytime being with him, I could see his different sides. I enjoying exploring his different sides.

I held my hand on Perth and whisper, "Baby, you will get sick if you stay any longer. Let's get some change of clothes, ok?" Perth smile at me and nodded.

We took care of our clothes, changing into different but suitable style. We had dinner at usual places. That place is Perth favorite restaurant not because of less customers but the view is incredible. Moreover, this place got many different but delicious foods.

After dinner I drop Perth near his dorm. I watch Perth going inside. After seeing Perth fully disappeared, I took my leave with smile on my face until I located the familiar sport car. I went near that car and knock on the window.

The window glass went down and I  glare at him and told him, "Meet me at home". Other person just nodded.

(Third p.o.v)

Why did you refuse to come with us? I  asked myself when Mark refuse to come this morning with us. "That means I have check what's going on with him, right?" I talk to myself.

I went to every places where Mark would probably be, but i couldn't see any sight of him. I sigh and gave up thinking Mark would be with his family. I bend my head because it's not the day that Mark would spend his day with his families because his families ignored him since he was small kid.

From afar I could hear the  voice whim I was finding for whole day. I saw Mark with unfamiliar boy with him. Not again Mark, why cant you looked me more than friend. I love Mark since our elementary school.

They were happily playing under the fountain. The way they smile and cling with eachother made my heart broke into pieces. They were comfortable being on each side. Mark bend and whisper something, in return that boy could just smile in satisfaction. I thought of going towards them but i fears that Mark wouldnt like it, so it's better I just go away from them.

But I dont want to go without finding what going between them. I watch every moment that they do. And the moment they drive away, I followed them keeping safe distance from them.

I was taken aback when Mark approached me. I could do anything  when Mark knock. I  slide the glass down preparing for worst. Mark told me to meet him, I couldn't do anything. I too drive away.

I asked for Mark when I arrived at Mark's house. I went inside preparing what would come inside while talking with Mark. It would be good, it would be worst as well. It would be probably worst than anything.

I allocated Mark in his room with Bboun. They both look tired. As soon as they heard me, Bboun stood up holding his fists while Mark reluctantly stood and looking everywhere except me.

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