1- the number of times id been home alone

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"Why doesn't everyone say their name, and something about themselves?" The youth leader, Dominic asked. I glanced around the group as other kids spoke.

Most of them just said their names, ages, and favorite colors. One girl sobbed as her friend patted her shoulder, she told a story about how her parents were separated, she was afraid they'd never get back together.

"Well remember you in our prayers tonight, Susan" Dominic smiled. As the 'talking stick' was passed around the circle I realized nobody was saying anything personal.

"Hi, I'm Sam" a girl said "and I'm fifteen" was all she said before she passed the bear to the next person. Danny, the boy beside Sam straightened his glasses before he spoke.

"I'm Daniel, but I go by danny" he said "I was beat up in fifth period last week and I kicked the guy in the face. The court ordered me to come here three times a week to control my anger" he scoffed.

This boy couldn't weigh more then my 8 year old kid brother. He was small and nerdy.

A boy named Luke spoke up, "dude that sucks" He then passed the bear to me, without saying anything about himself.

When it was my turn to speak, Dominic gave me a soft smile, as if he was saying "don't push yourself, just say what you feel"

Glancing down at the chipped blue polish on my fingernails, I took a deep breath. "My name is Rosalina, but I prefer Rosie" I gulped.

"I'm eighteen years old, and three months ago I was found at a train station, after being taken and held captive for almost six years" as tears started to pool my eyes I looked up at the circle of teenagers, each one of them staring at me wide-eyed.

Some of the girls looked sad, like they pitied me, Some looked horrified, scared to keep listening, the girl who spoke of her parents divorced looked at me with disbelief, like I was lying for attention.

Sadness, Fear, Anger, And disbelief was floating around the room, yet no one said anything.

So I kept talking.

"It was three days after my twelfth birthday, when my father had been called into work on an emergency" I spoke slowly. Kids ranging from 13-19 listened to me as I told my story, for the very first time.

"He was paged at three-fourty eight in the morning" I said. "He woke me up to ask if I wanted dropped at my moms house, because he wasn't sure if he'd be back early tomorrow or not."

"I made the mistake of saying no"

"I was stubborn and fighting for my independence" I told the group. "Dad had never given me the option to stay home alone, so when he did, I took it"

Someone tugged at my hand. Glancing over I saw it was luke. He was hiding that he was crying by staring at our interlocked fingers. I held his hand for the rest of my story.

"I said no, and I went back to bed, What felt like twenty minutes later, I heard my window creek." I took a deep breath.

"At first, I thought it was paranoia." I admitted "I'd never been home alone before and I thought I was allowing fear to cloud my mind" I said softly.

Brushing my blonde hair out of my eyes, I went on. "Until I felt hands grasp at my thighs" I whimpered.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2020 ⏰

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