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It's mandarin — K.

He's close to sleep but can't wait to answer. Although lost by her words, he's all too eager to engage.

What? The language? — R.

The perfume note. Also, grapefruit. With a heart of orange blossom. — K.

What the fuck are you talking about? You're too young to be having a stroke. — R.

He laughs and lies down again. A few minutes later, almost asleep, it hits him. Immediately he reaches for his phone.

Bergamot. It was NOT about you. — R.

Sure. — K.

Kris, come on. I'm used to making a fool of myself and this is not one of those times. — R.

It's ok. I barely use any perfume anyway. Also, it's your loss. Bergamots are delicious. — K.

Fuck. How is he supposed to go back to bed now.

I have to work in the morning. — R.

(...) No reply. He knows she's upset and going for some silent treatment. Some things don't change.

More screen testing. — R.


Have you seen this one? (Link) — R.

Oh. It looks good! — K.

You look good. — K.

Thanks. But I look like the penguin. — R.

You do not! Prepare for some more panties dropping around you. Older women now, not youngsters. — K.

I can't believe I sent that. — K.

He's laughing hard.

You did. — R.

Shut up. — K.

Anyway, I mean, old ladies will dig your new apparel. — K.

Why? Why older ladies you mean? Also, why am I engaging with this topic? — R.

Not only older ladies, older dudes too. Batman is an underground bdsm icon, do your research. — K.

Ok, not engaging anymore. YOURE RUINING IT. — R.

He's smiling as he hits send and can practically hear her laugh. In his mind he can.

Want me to stop? — K.

I'm not safe wording. — R.

I'm keeping these texts. — K.

He knows what she means, this is too fun to quit.

What do you usually do to our texts? — R.

You want me to say one thing but it's not that. — K.

He's laughing out loud now.

Your mind is a strange place. I love it. — R.

Dangerous territory. — K.

Or dangerous wording? — R.

Well, it's the territory. As for the wording, your love is a placing stranger. I mind it. — K.

Or your place is a minding love. I strange it. — R.

Your mind is a loving stranger. I place it. — K.

Oh you do? — R.

Shut up! — K.

Ok, I really need to go back to bed now. — R.

Goodnight stranger. — K.

He almost followed. Instead he deleted it and said it out loud to no one.

Goodnight, love.
A/n: this is the video he sends to her:

This is where the crazy scent of bergamot came from:

Late night textsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz