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From 1-10 how bored are you right now? — R.


Huh, pretty late there no? Umm... I might be a 5 right now. Bored but not going crazy. — K.


Ok, maybe 7. Watching a loquat pie as it bakes in the oven. — K.


Oh God. Mouth watering but I think I might die if I have any more sugar today. — R.

I remember your sweet tooth... — K.

Not only my fault this time, I swear. — R.

I actually believe you. Dating models has this downside, man. Stella used to pull me into all her bad habits. — K.

Her too? Now Suki's here out like the dead and I'm in the middle of the worst sugar induced insomnia. — R.

Poor baby! You're such a victim. — K.

Ha ha. — R.

I even think my hair is growing faster these days. Too much sugar is messing with my metabolism. — R.

By the time they come up with a vaccine I'll be ready to film the next The Adams family movie, as Cousin It. — R.

Ooh, call me then. I'd love to play Uncle Fester! — K.

Loll. — R.


But really I've been having these terrible dreams in which filming resumes and I don't fit into that fucking outfit. — R.


They'll call you Fatman. — K.

O_O — R.

I'll never eat again. — R.


You're laughing aren't you? — R.

Ok, ok. Sorry. I shouldn't. This is terrible. — K.

It is! I've been reduced to running outside lately. Running! At the park! — R.

Like a savage? — K.

Pretty much. — R.

Lolll. — K.


Ok, pie's ready! Talk to you later. — K.

I won't even think about it at the risk of gaining two imaginary pounds. — R.

You can always run more tomorrow. :) — K.

A/n: it's been a while, right? Hope everyone is keeping safe, unlike Rob who's running outside without a mask on. -_-

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