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Knock knock — R.

Lol. — K.


Ok, I'll bite. Who's there? — K.

Wendy. — R.

Wendy who? — K.

Wendy you get Larraín's call? — R.

Aaah. Not that long ago. Things moved fast. I'm pumped. — K.

I imagine so! — R.

That's great news, I'm happy for you. — R.


Thanks, Wendy. — K.

Hahah. Also, don't do the British accent I taught you. — R.

Huh? — K.

Ooh. No, no. I know that was bollocks. — K.

Oh lord. — R.

Oh dear, mi accent is superrrb. — K.

What the ... — R.

I'm not even nervous. You will score big time. — R.



Fuck you. Now I'm nervous. — K.

But really, it's such a big responsibility. I did Seberg, but this is different you know? — K.

Sure thing. It's one thing to play a real person when people know little of them... when they don't have a clear idea of who they really were, intimately. — R.

Exactly. Like when you did Dalí! — K.

But you know what? — R.


No one really knew. — R.

Yeah. No one really knows. Not really. It's all an illusion. — K.

No one knows. — R.

Like ... with us. — R.

The ideas people get, man... I was reading about her, about Lady Di. And ... the mystery around her grows bigger the more I read and watch. It's addictive. — K.

And yet... no one really knows. — R.


Lorraín is a fucking genius. You will play her to perfection. — R.

Aw, man. Shut up. — K.

You know I mean it. — R.

Of course. Thanks, and for the record, I'm scared shitless. — K.

A sign you care. — R.

Of course I do! She was a fucking icon. — K.

Is, she still is, for many people. — K.

Sure is. Ask this one here with me... — R.

Oh, is Su a fan? — K.

She told me first, before Stephanie called. — R.

Hah. Tell her I said hi. — K.

Will do. — R.

And tell Lorraín I look pretty ugly from certain angles. — R.

They have casted Charles already. — K.

Shit, I hate being LTTP. — R.

Lol — K.


Anyway, thanks for this. — K.

Anytime, princess. — R.


A/n: ok, I couldn't resist. Hope everyone is doing well. <3

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