Chapter 5 - Ocean eyes

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Y/N = Your name

Chapter 5
Ocean eyes
A sharp pain pierced through your head, making you grit your teeth as to not let out a groan. Your eyes fluttered open under a bright light mere seconds after you awoke to your senses, finding yourself in the nurse's office.

On a stool next to the hospital bed you were lying down on, Sayaka was sitting. "Y/N, I was waiting for you to wake up. We were all really worried!" She sobbed softly, and you noticed her red puffy eyes - it seemed she had cried recently. You force yourself to sit up and pull your feet off the bed and onto the white tiled floor, flinching. "Sayaka..."

She shook her head for a brief moment before throwing herself into a tight hug with you, wrapping her slender arms around your back and squeezing tight around you.

"Are you feeling alright, Sayaka?" You asked her, and she pulled her face up to look you in the eye, sobbing once more. She seemed... Genuinely sad. "Y-yeah... I was just worried for your sake, Y/N." Her words went in one ear and out the other though, your mind gaze had become totally fixed on her ocean like eyes; the mysteriously enchanting depth and blue colors really made them stand out in her otherwise pale face.

"Y/N?" Her soft words brought you out of your thoughts. Her hand had been placed on your thigh, making you blush softly. Even if you had declared your feelings towards each other, it still felt a bit awkward. "Sayaka, I..." You began speaking, but instantly got interrupted by her.

She hushed you, pulling you close into a tight hug once more amd burrowing her face into your necn. You slowly rub her back, trying to show her that you would always be there for her, but it felt just as bad for you as it did for her. Junko... Chihiro... Mondo... Why did they all have to die? Why did this game of killing exist, was it only to pull them down into the depths of despair?


The body discovery announcement broke your connection with reality, like a string bring cut with the sharpest pairs of scissors. Your head began spinning, your vision started to blur...

'No, I am not giving in!'

You jerk slightly, looking down at Sayaka who was burrowing deepee into your neck. Monokuma's announcement had obviously filled her heart and soul with despair, despair and despair. She was weak, you knew that, but what you didn't know, was how much she could really take right now.

"Sayaka, do you want to help with the investigation?" You asked, and surprisingly enough, her deep blue hair swirled around her head as she swiftly shook her head as an answer. Didn't she care about solving the cases, or was she just too tired? Hopeless?

Giving in to the despair that Monokuma was attempting to inflict on them?

The thoughr crossed your mind, and grew ever more likely when you gazed down at her. She had a warm heart and a mind of good intentions, but that mind was weak. She was impressionable, easily manipulated. You were scared of how this could affect your relationship in the long run, but you tried not to think about it too often. After all, distrust never served any good in situations like these.

You had your eyes closed and got caught off guard when Sayaka's pink painted lips landed on yours, making you widen your eyes and blush heavily. But as she held the kiss in that tender and loving way, you slowly got more and more into it, passionately bringing it further.

You nibbled her bottom lip, wishing you two could do something more. But with all the cameras that were around, that wasn't a seemingly good idea right now. That, and you had barely done anything before anyway...

But just as you thought you could add just a little extra something, she carefully pushed you off of her. You could see that Sayaka was blushing, seeming disappointed and... Embarrassed. "Sorry, I know I am not a good kisser..." She said, looking down for a moment. But despite what she said, you had a feeling it wasn't because of the quality of the kiss. It had to be something other than that!

Sighing heavily, you gently patted her shoulder and stood up from the bed. "Come on Sayaka, are you sure we shouldn't be helping with the investigation? I mean..." You paused, tears burning behind your eyes. "Our lines are dependant on the outcome of the class trial!" You blurted out the last part of the sentence, a lone tear falling down your cheek as you said that.

"No, Y/N. We just need to lay low, or we'll be the ones who die..." Sayaka mumbled barely loud enough to her her calm words. Her way of suddenly thinking so logically about the matter forced a quizical expression onto your now pale face. But right now, you didm't want to delve too deep into what she actually meant with that - you were afraid it would be a truth you yourself didn't want to face right now.

"Alright... I will grab something for myself to eat." Your words turned out colder than you wanted as you turned your heel, leaving the room without lookinh back at Sayaka. You did love her, right? But still, you didn't feel like those feelings were all there is to it...

//Sorry, can't bring myself to write an extra long one! Maybe I will try next one, hihi!//

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2020 ⏰

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