Chapter 4 - Love and despair

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Y/N = Your own name

Chapter 4 - Love and despair

If the world was a snowglobe with you in the center, it would be simple yet happy. But reality is, this isn't a closed of snowglobe that revolves 100% around you. Instead, it is a big globe revolving around the sun in the vacuum of space, revolving around rich and famous people - complex and full of unneeded despair, isn't it?

You and Sayaka had just gotten back from the class trial... Feeling horrible, both of you. The events were outright devastating, not only the murder but also the way they executed Mondo... Still, everyone felt that Mondo wasn't in the right, unlike Chihiro who hadn't meant any harm.

"W-why would he even kill her..." She sobbed into your shoulder, pulling you closer. You wrapped a comforting arm around her back, your heart feeling as if it had been stabbed over and over - despair filled you head to toe, no doubt regarding that.

You didn't want to answer her question, you just wanted to curl up in a corner and cry yourself to sleep until tomorrow; but you had to stay strong and be there for Sayaka, no matter what. You couldn't let her down!

"What should we do, Y/N?" Sayaka's ocean blue eyes stared up at you, tears welling in the corner. It hurt, seeing her like this. "I don't know, I really don't know... I'm sorry, but..." Your voice began trembling, but she hushed you softly, burrowing her face into the space between your neck and shoulders, sobbing quietly.

"Young love! Isnt it wonderful?"

Monokuma's voice shattered the brief silent, making you and Sayaka jolt around and look at him, pulling away from each other. "Mind your own business, teddy bear!" You yelled at him, making him chuckle with his voice, sounding something like long uneven nails being dragged across a chalkboard - jarring. "Teddy bear? I am not... A teddy bear. I... Am Monokuma!" He said, making us roll our eyes.

"We know, you always say so... But.." Sayaka began talking, but shut her mouth. Giggling fiendishly, Monokuma disappeared into thin air, leaving you alone with the love of your life once more. "Shh, it is alright..." You gently hug her again, sitting down on the bed and pulling her with you, burrowing your face in her neck and planting a soft kiss, taking in her scent.

The two of you sat like that on her bed for minutes, neither of you ever wanting to let go of the other. But, you gentle put her down next to you after a while, eyes resting on the door leading out into the hallway. Worried, the blue haired student placed a hand on your shoulder, looking up at you with a slight frown. "Uh... Y/N, what is it?"

Her voice took a moment to reach you, making you jolt slightly as it brought you back from your daydreaming. "Huh?" You were slightly confused, beginning to feel light headed too...

Until it went completely dark. Your last thought churned in your head, 'I can't let Sayaka down.'

//Sorry for the short chapter, I will try to make an extra long one to compensate! Any constructive critique or ideas are greatly appreciated. Goodbye!~//

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