Chapter 2

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To a truly amazing History teacher who always played us a movie

when we were having a hard day...


Here I am with more of THIS...

I'm actually having way too much fun writing something set in a school, even if I am usually only following the characters during one of the classes. Unlike wars, robberies and other stuff I usually write about this is something I've actually experienced.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it :)


"We need to find a way to make her pay."

It was the first thing Azula said to her friends when they saw each other the next morning.

"Make who pay?" Ty Lee asked, genuinely lost.

"The History teacher, Miss Omori," Mai explained.

"We need to show her she can't just come here and decide how things work..."

"Yeah, that's your job, Azula."

Both Mai and the Princess rolled their eyes.

"Maybe I'm missing something," started Mai. "But can't you just, like, tell your father and he'll take care of her?"

"I can, but he's not home right now. He's at the front, solidifying his claim to the throne."

"What claim? He's the Fire Lord. It's done."

Azula didn't feel like explaining the intricacies of ruling to them right that second so she ignored the question. "What is certain, is that I don't know when he'll be back."

"So you can't do anything?" A small smile formed on Mai's lips.

"I can do plenty! You'll see... We'll do it together."

"What's the plan then, Azula?" Ty Lee asked with blind faith that it'd be a good one just because Azula came up with it.

The Princess though back to her father's lessons again.

"Guerilla warfare."

"What about gorillas?" Mai wanted to roll her eyes at Ty Lee's question, but found herself no less confused.

"It's what you do when you're faced with a stronger and more organized enemy. It's mostly clever and targeted sabotage." Azula was currently half-way through a book on the phenomenon. In truth, she didn't even understand why she kept reading it, since the Fire Nation would never find itself at such a disadvantage.

"So you want to annoy her into leaving?" Mai asked.

"I'm not criticizing your ideas, I would never do that, but can't you just... Set her on fire?" Ty Lee suggested. "It worked last time..."

"I could. But it's getting boring... I want to do this."

Azula did not plan on telling them she didn't want to get caught doing this. Partly because she refused to be dragged into detention another time and partly because her father told her to talk to him when one of her teachers was incompetent, not to act on her own.


"She's late," announced Chubs from her desk in the back of the classroom.

"Again," Blinker added.

There was a short silence and one by one all the girls turned to look at Azula.

Second Coat of PaintOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora