Chapter 11- Rescue mission

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(Y\N)'s POV

After I told Ink about why I was mad and how I knew what Tai had done he told he could help me out with finding her.

Ink: So what does Ruby look like?

(Y\N): well since i last saw her she was wearing a red battle skirt with a red cape.

Ink: Wait, that's the girl i saw when i confronted Cross after you got knocked out.

(Y\N): i know i saw the footage.

Ink: So what do you think we should do?

(Y\N): before we do anything we need to get more than two people for this mission.

Ink: Your right. We could get the other  Sans' to help.

(Y\N): yeah but will they be enough?

Ink: They could be, especially Fell.

Then i remember my scroll was still at the infirmary.

(Y\N): i gotta get something ro-quick.

I then teleport back to the infirmary and saw my scroll on the table and grabbed it a teleport-ed back to Ink.

Ink: What were you getting?

(Y\N): my scroll.

I look to see I have several messages from my team and i realize they didn't know what happened to me.

(Y\N): ink i know other people who can help... but i don't know if you will be able to help.

Ink: Why is that?

Just then I heard my scroll start ringing and look to see who it was, it was Frisk and I picked up.

(Y\N): hey frisk sorry i was out for a while and then i was talking with ozpin.

Frisk: Thank god your ok. Where are you because we cannot find you and we've looked everywhere.

(Y\N):don't worry frisk i'm fine i just have some stuff to take care of.

Frisk: What stuff?

(Y\N): i'll be at the dorm in a couple minutes then i'll explain.

Frisk: Fine.

Then Frisk hung up and then i turned to Ink.

Ink: So why can't I help?

(Y/N): because other than ozpin no one else know's about you and the other sans' ill try to talk to ozpin about it. anyway i got to go.

Ink: Alright come find me when you talk i'll be looking for the others.

(Y/N): allright see ya later.

Then I teleport away andgo to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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