Q: how's your birthday going so far?
A: great i celebrated this morning with my family then went with amber to the park. Hopefully tonight Ian will take me to the movies.

Q: happy birthday cass, where's sammy? It's been a while since we saw him. I miss this little cutie.
A: oh I'm not sure i think amber feeding him or... wait a second I'll go check. I won't be long stay with me.

I practically ran downstairs into the kitchen where i found amber carrying sammy on her hips, his bib already removed. I guessed he had finsihed eating. I excused her swiftly taking him from her arms and hurried back to my room. I sat back down on the bed with sammy on my lap resting his head on my chest. He always gets sleepy after a meal but it's cool it won't take long anyways.

"I'm back with a special guest! Say hi sammy!" I grabbed his tiny chubby arms waving it in front of the camera. All sort of comments rushed about how cute he is which made me proud of my baby nephew getting aunty more views.

Q: are you gonna be doing any makeup tutorial soon?
A: oh my god, it's been so long. I'm not sure... i kind of stopped doing those. Sorry.

As i answered those vatious questions, i realised how messed up my channel is. It doesn't revolve about one subject. In the beginning, i made makeup tutorials then once a fan heard me singing 'never be alone' and suggested i do a cover.

Afterwards i started taking clases to learn how to play guitar, so i thought i should show off my skills a little. All those beside the usual stupid dares, funny pranks and q&a. But they loved it anyway.

Q: which song are you looking forwards to at the concert?
A: even though i already heard bad reputation live on the illuminate tour, it always remains my favorite but I'm also excited for why and if i can't have you obviously.

Q: girl my brother surprised me last week with tickets for tonight show. I was so shocked since he never got me anything good.
A: oh I'm so happy for you but what's wrong with all the brothers suddenly acting nice? That's weird.

Q: your channel is amazing keep up the good work and happy brithday.
A: thank you love.

Q: are you gonna be at the meet and greet?
A: yes my brother also got me passage for it. Honestly I'm a bit nervous. How am i suppose to not freak out while I'm sharing the same room as shawn.

Q: actually this is exactly how i felt when i went to my first meet and greet. But once you sit there and the way he interacts with us will reduce your nerves. Just don't overthink and focus on yourself.
A: yep but I'm a bit crazy, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to control myself but thanks for the advice.

Ian: hello sister, doing a great job so far. But I'm a bit disappointed you didn't thank me enough.
Me: whatever i thanked you enough this morning.
Ian: what's the point of helping you if i don't brag about it.
Me: i don't know making your sister happy perhaps. Now leave my live stream or I'll block you.
Ian: this is the last time i get you a nice gift. And leave my kid alone.
Me: after that concert I'll be achieving all my life goals so i don't need your help and keep sammy out of it or I'll tell amber what you said the other day.

Q: oh my god! He has seriously left! How did you do that? Please teach me your ways. I need to get rid of my sister.
A: well the secret is to stay alrted at every stupid thing your sibling is doing. Eventually you'll catch something to blackmail him with. Goodluck.

Q: what's your favorite song of the last album? And why?
A: that's tough. Umm I'm gonna go with in my blood. I don't know why but i feel so connected to this song. Everyone should... i mean it's hard for anyone to speak up of such matter. I'm proud of him.

Hayley: hello loca, i miss you
A: hello cookie i miss you too.

Q: answer honestly how many times did you stream señorita? Cause i listened to it more than twenty times, I'm sure i beat you.
A: oh hon I don't think so. I stayed last night while editing the video replaying the song non stop for three hours. I'm sure it's more than fifty times.

"Okay guys thanks for watching, i have to go. Love you" i said after answering a few more questions. I sighed sutting down my laptop before slumping back on the bed with sammy already fast asleep. I carefully laid him between two large pillows so he doesn't fall before moving to the bay window. I decided to scroll through Netflix to find a new movie to watch.

Half through the movie a heard a soft mewling soming from under the bed. I peeked down to find a very sleepy milo "how long have you been down there?" I cooed extanding my arm down to pull him out, mostly i was surprised he didn't wake up by my previous screams. I laid him on my lap to continue his slumer while i continued my movie.

Around six o'clock, i headed to the livingroom to check when Ian wants us to leave. "Shall i get ready... hey where's Ian?" I asked in confusion when i only found amber and my parents.

"Honey I'm so sorry but Ian's still at work" mom sent me a weak smile.

"Oh when will he get back?" I asked though i already knew the answer.

"They had some technical issue and they have to finish filming the scene today... i don't think he'll get back in time for the movies" amber explained as i sighed looking down.

"But it's my birthday... he promised" i whined as they stared at me blankly not knowing what to say.

"Hey sweetheart if you like i can take you?" Dad suggested but i shook my head trying to fight back the tears. I hurried back to my room burying my face into my pillows.

It's not the first time Ian made a promise then bailed on me. I get that his job is more important but i barely see him anymore. And next year I'll be moving to collage which will reduce our plans in the future even more. "Cass your brother is on the phone" amber swung my door open.

"I'll talk to him later" i replied my voice muffled by the pillow.

"Cassandra he feels terrible for leaving you. He wants to apologize" she insisited but i shook my head. "She's in the bathroom now. She'll call you later" she answered in a low tone. I doubt he believed her anyway.

She took a few steps sitting on the bed next me as she caressed the back of my head. "I'm so sorry baby... i know you've been looking forward to spend the night with him" she apologized moving the hair from my face.

"That's not fair... he just arrived yesterday morning and he's already gone" i whimpered lifting my head to wip my tears.

"You're right cass, i miss him too. But he wishes nothing more than to be here with you. Believe me he's been talking to me about it since he arrived" she sighed pulling me in a tight hug.

"I should call him, i can't blame him for his job anyways" i bit my lips reaching for my phone. The last thing i wanna do is upset him.

I immediately dialed his number, he kept apologizing and promised he'll make it up to me. Which is true two days later, he took me to the carnival that was held next town. We had a blast playing all day and bonding again.
A/N: sorry the beginning seemed kind of slow but the fun is just starting now.
Next chapter our girl will finally meet shawn!!😍❤
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