New Friends

281 13 4

Shirayuki's POV

"Hey that's not fair! Even if it wasn't the first day it's still not fair!" One of my classmates say.

"Do you think natural disasters are fair? Villains? Catastrophic accidents that can even wipe out whole cities? No, the whole world is full of unfairness. Heroes are the ones who reverse those unfairness so you future heroes need to go beyond Plus Ultra. Show me that it's no mistake that you are here."

Test 1 : 50-metre dash

I looked and saw a girl with green hair and a long tongue called Tsuyu Asui going against Iida. After that it was my turn. I was going up against with a boy with a tail.

"Good Luck!" He said. I nodded and powered up One For All making vibrant rainbow coloured electricity flow around my body.

"Ready...Get set...GO!"

I rushed up to the finished line with 2.35 seconds.

Many pairs of eyes looked at me with awe while I walked back to Midoriya with a proud smile on my face.

It was finally his turn and took the starting line going up against Bakugou.

"Ready..Get set...GO!"

Bakugou put his hands out behind him making him fly to the finish line while Midoriya did his best running at full speed making him get 7.02 seconds.

Test 2 : Grip Strength

I held onto the device using One For All and squeezing it with all my might and eventually got 840kg.

"840kg?! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!" One of the students asked with a shocked face. I just giggled and looked at what Midoriya got but he only got 56kg. At least he got more than his previous score back in Junior high.

I wasn't that all worried about him becuase I know Shota's intentions and he didn't expel anyone in the anime or in the manga. I can tell he saw potential in him as well.

Test 3 : Standing Long Jump

I went to the starting line with Bakugou on my right and Midoriya on my left. I ended up beating Bakugou passing the robot but unfortunately, Midoriya didn't.

I went up to him and held out a hand.

"Hey are you ok, Midoriya?" I asked putting on my signature smile.

"I-I U-uh yeah." He stuttered with a crimson colour spread across his cheeks a bit hesitant of taking my hand but eventually did and watched the rest of our classmates doing the standing long jump.

Test 4 : Repeated Side Steps

I used One For All to speed up my side stepping and saw Midoriya looking a bit scared at what he was looking at.

I looked to the direction he was laying his eyes on and saw Mineta using his balls that were a part of his quirk to bounce from one side to the other.

'Thank you Mineta for discouraging Midoriya, it was really nice of you.'

Test 5 : Ball Throw

I was told to demonstrate the ball throw again.

"Well I got to go, wish me luck!" I said to Midoriya waving.

"Yeah good luck Shirayuki!"

I went into the circle catching the ball Shota gave to me and took a deep breath.

'Ok, I can do this!'

Electricity flowed through my body feeling the power of One For All and threw the ball while shouting in my head...

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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Another World ꧁| Izuku Midoriya x OC |꧂Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora