"Where's Hae Soo?" Wang So cut Jung's word in cold, with snide remarks. "Even though I want to very much strangle you and ask you too many damn questions right now, Hae Soo is my priority. Where is she?" Wang So's patience was running thin and if this brother of his still couldn't read in between the lines, may the gods above oh-so-help him not to kill his brother right away.

"We don't tell the official court that Pyeha is coming here. Save the ceremony for later," Baek-ah tried to explain to the astonished Jung. "Is she... okay?"

Still a little bit shocked, Jung regained his composure not too long and straightened himself out before answering both man's questions. "She is inside her room, asleep. I just got out of her room when I heard that both of you are in front of the main gate."

"Lead the way," Wang So ordered Jung authoritatively. "Now."

"I will wait inside the courtyard," said Baek-ah. "You two just go."

"Follow me then," said Jung curtly. Wang so followed Jung without another word. He was very much restraining himself at the moment. His hands were very itchy to just grab Jung and shook the hell out of him. Along the way, he focused his mind on one matter only. That was to meet Hae Soo. Others could be damned.

They arrived in front of Hae Soo's room.

"Hae Soo is inside," Jung said short. "Just go inside and meet her. She has waited for two months for you to come."

"Don't tell me what I should have done," said Wang So coldly. "If not for you, I can already meet her much-much earlier."

"What do you mean?" asked Jung confused.

"If anyone dares to bother us... you know what the consequences are." Wang So didn't answer Jung's question. Wang So didn't answer Jung's question. He opened the door and let himself in, leaving the hopelessly Jung's behind. Jung stood for a while in front of the door, before he turned and left with heavy steps. He walked to the courtyard, to go and join Baek-ah for the waiting. At last, he had done what he promised to Hae Soo.


Hae Soo was asleep indeed. Wang So walked to her bed slowly while he was basking the woman's presence into his body. He didn't have the heart to wake her up. He was just looking at her sleeping face, the woman that he loved dearly, someone that he would give his life for... someone that he hadn't seen for a very long time... Almost a year, and it felt like a hundred years had passed already. His one and only love.

"Soo..." Wang So called Hae Soo softly. In the end, he couldn't help but call her name. With the tenderness and care seeped into his tone. "Soo... Hae Soo... "

Wang So repeatedly called Hae Soo's name only above a whisper. He hesitated whether he should wake Hae Soo up or not. Her complexion looked so pale and unhealthy. His eyes observed her from head to toe and he didn't like one bit of what he saw. But, at least the rising and down of her chest had indicated one thing that he feared the most. Hae Soo was alive. Still alive.



Hae Soo felt that someone was calling her name repeatedly. She thought that it was only inside her mind, or maybe she was dreaming at the moment. Because the voice that called her name was his voice, the one voice that she longed to hear again very much. How many times had she imagined inside her dream of him calling her name again? With such tenderness and care, softly only above a whisper... just like what she was hearing at the moment.

Hae See stirred from her sleep and opened her eyes half-lidded. She could feel someone was indeed right at her side. She didn't dare to hope that the person was Wang So, but... the silhouette, the posture... the tone, the voice....

"Sa...wangja...nim (Fourth Prince)...?"

Wang So heard the call of his name. Yes, it is very soft and weak. But he wouldn't mistake Hae Soo's voice for any other. His eyes darted to Hae Soo's face and there, his beloved had opened her eyes for him.


"...Is it you?"

"...Yes," Wang So gathered Hae Soo's hands to his clasp and kissed her knuckles tenderly. "It's me."





"You come," Hae Soo choked on her words. 

She was overwhelmed with the emotions that had bottled up inside since she sent her letter to Wang So. She could finally see him at last. The damn inside her could no longer hold her feelings and it wanted to pour out to be seen. One by one her tears were escaping from her eyes, but she was so focused on the man in front of her that she didn't notice that she was crying. 

"You come..."

Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo - One For MeWhere stories live. Discover now