Part 1

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Knock, Knock, knock, knock.

"Evan, dear, you gotta get ready! You have school!" Heidi beamed these words through Evan's door, hoping to add excitement to the boy.

Which wasn't the case.

He got out of bed, unhappily. He took his clothes and got dressed, unhappily. Brushing his teeth, his hair, even making his bed was all done unhappily. He wasn't ready for this Monday morning. Everything seemed over saturated, letting him know today wasn't going to be his day.
He walked downstairs, unhappily. His mother caught wind of this, and smiled.

"Today is going to be a good day and here's why.." She waited for his response.

"I'm going to a n-new school, I'm gonna make friends, and not d-die." He said the words in an unhappy tone.

"Well, that's somewhat the spirit! I bought more almond milk since you liked it, by the way. Oh, and I got some more cereal!"

"You're just t-telling me to eat cereal for breakfast, aren't you?" He said bluntly.

"Maybe. Eat a little faster than you are computing at the moment, I need to drop you off and get to work."


Evan finished eating his cereal, putting his dish away. His mom handed him his bag, smiling. They left the home, empty. They drove off, Heidi humming a cheery tune.
Evan drifted away in his thoughts, all negative and dreary.
He knew he wasn't going to fit in, it was obvious. A new student who has never been to a school, perfect pick for bullies and disappointment. He didn't have friends that wasn't family, and that was few and far between. He felt better alone, which wasn't going to help his situation. He wish he was normal, to be like his mother. Yet, he wasn't, having to deal with the fear of his power getting him in deep hell.
His mother was right, he hadn't had his outburst of power, yet he wasn't being scared like his father would do with him. He wasn't in stressful moments wishing to disappear.
The worst part of it all though, was he couldn't control what his powers did or when they appeared. He had no control over the fits of invisibility. His mother tried to help, yet didn't know how. She helped him shun them, forget they existed.
Curse his father.

Heidi tapped Evan's shoulder, snapping him out of his daze.

"We're here, dear." She smiled warmly, unlocking the car.

Evan nodded to confirm to his mother he had indeed heard her. He unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the car door, as if opening a new chapter in his incomplete story he dared to call life.
The school felt huge, leaving a small pit in the males stomach.
His mother waved him good-bye, heading off to work.

Evan headed inside, head hung low. He looked for the office, found it, and headed inside. He awkwardly edged over to the receptionist, who smiled at him.

"Hello dear, what is it you need?" She said, placing her pen down.

"I.. uh, I'm Evan, E-Evan Hansen.. I'm new and I'm not sure what to d-do entirely.." Evan stammered out, finding that his shoes were very interesting today.

"Oh yes yes! Let me get your tour guide for you! Trust me Evan, you'll love it here!" She smiled once more, picking up the phone and called a classroom. Whilst she spoke, Evan looked around.
Bright, he noted.

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