Chapter: 6 [Edited]

Start from the beginning

"You-you two are the girls Agent Barton is looking for," he said scrambling to his feet, trying to crawl to the door as fast as he could since he was still unable to get to his feet, but I was out for blood and kept pursuing him like he was my prey with a smirk on my face.

Smirking I stop in front of him, "Yes we are," I say smiling sadly now, I always was very close with the man, "I do hope he is well–" My voice cut out when I heard a gunshot ring in the basement, I stood there feeling empty as I felt like the life was being ripped out of me. I stare daggers at Kenley as I feel my abilities begin to move out of my control and he crumples to the ground dead as my tendrils lept from my body and took his life energy from him. Shakily I begin walking, feeling scared on the inside but show no remorse as I walk out of the cell, my training was too deeply ingrained to show feelings around the enemy. As I walk down the hallway, the other agents run to attack me but fall when they're within four feet of me, I've never seen my abilities so destructive. I opened the door next to the room I was held in, inside Willow was lying on the floor blood surrounding her body. The agent still inside falls to the ground and joins his team in death, I drop to my knees turning Willow over in my arms. My blood felt like it was barely flowing and yet racing at the same time.

"Willow," I say barely containing my emotions, "hold on, it's okay I can fix it." I hold my hand over her heart but she grabs it before the blue-white magic can flow through my hand. It usually takes a while for us to heal on our own, and usually we won't start healing until the bullet is removed.

"No, Farron," she says, managing a whisper, "they're all dead now, let me be just this once." I stare at her refusing to accept the words coming out of her mouth, "I want to be with Mom and Dad, I can't take it anymore." She says in a broken voice, and pausing to wet her lips, "Promise me you won't bring me back." I hesitate, promises are serious in our family and I can't live in a world without my only sister, "Promise me!" She says harsher.

I flinch and nod my head, tears streaming down my face, "I promise. I promise." I repeated it over and over again but she was dead before the words left my lips the first time. I sit there holding her for so long that I lose track of time. My only sister was dead and she didn't want me to save her. I didn't notice how much she was suffering from Mom and Dad's death and now it's too late to be there for her. Movement out of the corner of my eye catches my attention.

On instinct, I reach my hand out and freeze the thing moving in its place, white wisps surrounding it, pulling them forward. A man materializes in front of me and in his hand is a gun that materializes with him, he looks terrified. I throw my arm to the side causing the gun to go flying out of his hand, "You did this," I say reading his thoughts, I narrow my eyes at him dangerously, "and you'll pay, I don't care that you're enhanced, you will suffer as I have suffered." I looked down at my sister once again, "You killed her and I'm not the only one who cared for her. There are people who will do far worse to you than you can imagine."Narrowing my eyes, "And I plan to be there when it happens."

Fear is driven so deeply inside him and he tries to say something but I threw him against the wall knocking him unconscious. I turned on the beacon Willow had on her that told Hydra when we were ready for extraction. I curl up next to Willow's body and try to forget the world around me.

It's been a week and I still haven't said a word and Werner hasn't left my side, I'm grateful for that. He wakes me in the middle of the night, every night from my nightmares and holds me until I fall asleep again. I know that he's suffering too but what he's experiencing is the grief, I'm trying to heal from something entirely different. He's been a good brother, but I can't help but miss Volher, I miss him more than ever now that she's gone.

"Farron," a gentle voice sounded from across the room and I forced myself to look up and make eye contact with Werner for the first time since I came back. "You've got to talk to somebody, you're tearing yourself apart." His eyes were red and bloodshot just like mine, he hasn't just become our brother, we became his sisters too. We've been feeling each other's pain the whole time, whether our abilities gave us the gift or not.

I opened my mouth to speak but all that came out was a pained croak of broken words, my only sister is gone and I can't pull myself together to even tell our brother why. I take a few deep breaths and force the words out, ignoring the tears falling down my face, "She made me promise," I said and I wrap my arms around myself leaning further into the bed and staring out the window in my room and into the hallway. "She was suffering for so long and we didn't even notice," I turned to him and his brokenness was equal to my own, "what kind of siblings are we to not notice her suffering?"

Werner promptly stood and crossed the room and enveloped me in another hug as we both cried into each other's shoulders. We lost our sister and she wouldn't let us do anything about it to help her. We've failed her and that's the exact thought that makes me cry harder through the hiccups and the sniffling. Everything is so wrong.

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