Chapter one

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Ellas POV

I groan as I headed to my car. My feet aggressively hitting the ground as I hop in. One of my co workers got sick and couldn't show up for her shift. She texted me and asked me to fill in and I of course said yes but didn't realize her shift was at 5:00 in the morning. I drove over to where I work, Starbucks. I head inside and put on my apron. No one else was working that morning with me so it was going to be very boring.

My eye lids were barely open when I hear the door open. I rub my eyes to see if I'm hallucinating as a interesting pair of people walk in. Two boys who look about my age walked up to the counter. They looked very weird. The taller one had green hair and his skin was painted white and his outfit looked very weird. He looked like he was dressed up as a zombie. The shorter boy had brown hair but a streak of white in it. His outfit was also very weird, it was a purple shirt with a furry jacket thing. His ears looked bigger and his nails were extremely long. He looked like he was dressed up as a werewolf.

"Shoot I forgot my phone in the car. Order my drink and I'll be back." The taller one with green hair says as he runs outside.

The shorter one walks up to the counter and flashes a smile showing off his fangs.

I chuckle and shake my head. "Halloween was 5 months ago." I say with a smile.

He laughs and flashes a big smile.

"You guys going to a costume party?" I ask him as I take in his appearance. He was very cute even in his weird costume. His brown eyes were adorable and his hair flowed perfectly.

"Uh no, we are actually shooting a movie across the street." He says back in a soothing tone.

I laugh but his face looks serious. "Yeah right." I say back.

"I'm not lying." He says with a grin.

"That's a weird costume for a movie." I say as I laugh.

"I'm a werewolf in the movie." He says back.

"I see that. Is it twilight?" I say sarcastically as we lock eyes.

"It's a movie on Disney channel." He says trying to convince me.

"Okay, what movie then?" I ask him.

"Zombies 2." He says back. I study him to see if he is serious.

"I haven't heard of it." I say to him.

"Well maybe you should watch it sometime." He says with a small smile.

"Maybe I should." I say as I lean on the counter.

"Dude did you order the drinks?" The other boy says as he rushes back inside.

"Not yet." The shorter boy replies.

He orders his drinks and I feel his eyes on me as I make the drinks. He hands me the money and I laugh at his claws.

"Your claws are scary." I say with a fake gasp.

He just shakes his head and sighs. "Your a interesting girl." He says with a smile.

"It's not everyday I meet a real life werewolf." I say as I hand him his drinks.

"Thank you." He says as he places 10 bucks in the tip jar.

Him and the other boy start walking out the door but I stop them.

"Wait! I didn't catch your name." I yell.

"Pearce." He says with a wink.
Oop we got some flirting 💖

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