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Where Harry doesn't understand anything sexual. At all.


It started with a game of Never have I Ever. Eighth year, a bunch of nightmare plagued teens staying up out of fear of what the night might present to them after the realm of Morpheus claims their mind. So they stay awake, drowning their miseries in alcohol and playing embarrassing games to distract themselves from the horror that lies behind each drawn bed curtain.

The bottle spun, landing on Neville. Upon glancing around the few shots remaining and his own several, he grinned. "Never have I ever pleasured myself."

He drank a shot himself, along with nearly everyone else, many people groaning when they downed their remaining shot, then an addition of their promised three shots of firewhiskey upon losing. There were a few left, however- including Draco, Hermione, Ron, Harry, Neville, Pansy and Theodore. With a starting of ten points moving backwards, the remaining glasses of full liquid were as followed:

Draco: Four
Hermione: Eight
Ron: Two
Harry: Seven
Neville: Five
Pansy: One
Theodore: Two

Ron sent Hermione a pointed look with raised eyebrows when he noticed she had gone from nine to eight shots upon the last statement. She nearly blushed and punched him in the shoulder. "Hey, Hermione?"

Hermione, her face flushed from her drinks, looked over at Harry. "Yeah?"

"What does that mean?"


"Pleasuring yourself. What does that mean?"

Hermione gave him a shocked look, her eyes widening, everyone now staring at the two. "Are you serious?"

Harry frowned, his brows furrowing. "Is it when you do something you like? Like... Reading all day, or eating a lot of chocolate?"

Hermione flushed darkly, burying her face in her hands while everyone else looked downright shocked. "Oi," Seamus called, being outed several rounds ago, "masturbating? Wanking? Jerking off?"

Harry blinked blankly at him with the same confused look. "Oh god," Theodore groaned, burying his face in his hands. "I'm not giving the savior of the wizarding world a talk about masturbation."

"Oh shut up, Nott," Ron groused, shaking his head. "It's when you... You know..." he flushed, making an obscene hand motion near his groin which only made Harry more confused.

"What the fuck?"

Pansy dissolved into mad laughter, leaning on an equally amused looking Draco. "C'mon Potter, it's just a self-induced handjob," she crooned, smirking as she laughed.

"What's a handjob?"

The circle broke into chaos again and Harry only looked more and more confused as time went on, until Hermione snapped for everyone to shut up.

"Harry, a handjob is when another person... Well, for a boy, jerks you off. For a girl it's calling fingering."

"I don't know what any of this means!" Harry groaned, collapsing onto his back on the floor, covering his face with his hands.

"None of it? Really mate?" Ron looked shocked at well. "Never pulled off in a cold shower before the day? Have you never had an e- You know what, I'm not gonna ask that."

"Oh come off it! Stop having shame! Pleasuring yourself for a guy is grabbing your dick and just doing what feels good until you come!"

Blaise spoke for the first time in a while and Harry choked, coughing for what seems like ages before he stared at Blaise with wide eyes. "You're joking, right? Tell me you're joking-"

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