Chapter 2: The Pervert has a Girlfriend?!

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The next day as Y/N was walking to school from her small apartment when Issei walked up to him with a bright smile on his face. "Yo Y/N! you wont believe what happened to me yesterday!" he said estactically. Y/N arched an eyebrow in bored curiosity,

Y/N: "What? Did you finally get a girlfriend something? Ha! That would only happen if pigs fly!"

She snorted softly, only for her eyes tocwiden in disbelief when she saw the smug self-satified smirk on his face.

Y/N: "....No fuckin' way. I call bullshit! What girl in their right mind would want to date you?! Your a perverted douche who treats women like sextoys!"

Y/N cried out in disbelief. Issei scoffed and smirked,

Issei: "Alright then, I'll prove to you that I got a girlfriend after school! You can join us on our date!"

Y/N rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Y/N: Fine! But only so I can find out what she sees in you. Who knows? Maybe she sees something that I and everyone else doesnt."

Issei, though slightly insulted by Y/N's quip agreed and walked off, heading to class. Y/N was about to follow but stopped when she felt a pair of eyes spying on her from behind a tree. She felt a dark aura from behind her and saw a bit of white hair from behind the tree. She smirked softly and teleported behind the girl. She blinked softly in confusion.

???: Wha?! W-Where did she go?!

Y/N chuckled softly in amusement, causing the girl to stiffen in shock and spin around to face her, a startled expression on her face.

Y/N: What's wrong Kitty? Scared~?

She smirked softly at the way her eyes widened in fear. She was a relatively young looking girl with short white hair and gold eyes wearing the Kouh Academy's female uniform. On both sides of her hair she wore a black cat-shaped hair clip. Her eyes were slightly wide as though she were surprised or shocked with a fearful expression on her face. Oh most people wouldn't be able to tell due to the way she hide it, but Y/N could see it. Oh yes she could tell by her scent that she was a Nekomata reincarnated  as a Devil. The young girl's expression quickly morphed into a neutral expressionless one. She quickly got into a fighting stance, ready to fight if necessary.

???: Who are you?! How were you able to move so fast?! One second you were their and then you were behind me. What are you?!

Y/N smirked softly and leaned in close till she was nearly nose-to-nose to her, causing her to blush softly as the close proximity.

Y/N: Who and what I am are not your concern little Devil.

She smirked inwardly at the way her eyes widened softly in surprise

Y/N: Why don't you go report to your Master and tell her that if she keeps spying on me I might visit her and....well I think that you can piece it together huh? So, be a good cute little Devil and go report back to your Master, kay?

Y/N said with a small yet sincere smile, causing the young girl to blush harder before she nodded softly. She quickly turned to leave before Y/N stopped her by putting s hand on her shoulder causing her to flinch slightly. She felt a small bag be placed in her hand which made the young girl look up at Y/N in confusion.

Y/N: It's chocolate. For your sweet-tooth Kitty. I could smell the scent of chocolate on you the entire time. Anyway maybe I'll see ya around sometime, eh?

She turned to walk off only to feel herself be topped by the girl tugging on her arm. Huh, the little Kitty was stronger than she looked. She turned to look down at her only to see a small blush adorn her cheeks.

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