twenty-six: harry

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Niall James fucking Horan is afraid of losing me. I literally realize that I never though this could happen - that he could love me and be afraid of losing me. I thought I wasn't worth of his love. But I see everything has changed ever since the end of last year. 

Guess who's in love now?

Watching him have some sort of breakdown in front of me, however, hurts my feelings. Because never in a thousand years I'd leave him, I'd never do this to him in my own senses. And I need him to know it.

"First of all: don't be sorry for your feelings. Ever. Just go through them and then, once you're over it, you can talk about it and think whatever you want about what you were feeling before. But it's a beautiful thing to feel anything. It's human", I see him trying to smile at my words. "And second: you're never gonna lose me. Ever. Because I love you, I think you love me and we'll find a way to make it work, okay?"

He lets out a weak laugh, and I kiss him on the lips. A tender one, just like the good morning kiss we had earlier. His hands are now on my wrists, and we stay like this for what it seems to be like a minute.

"You're the one that I want at the end of the day, Niall fucking Horan." I say once we fall apart from the kiss. "You better not forget it."

"You better stop making One Direction references if you wanna keep me." He jokes, and with this I know my dear Nialler is back into the game.

"Why, Ni? I thought you liked these things", he rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Okay, maybe sometimes. But not in the hard times, please, it ruins the moment", we laugh together because of his words. "Fuck it, I love you."

"Fuck it, I love you back. Now let's reach the other Horans."


We end up being the last ones to arrive at the meeting point of the morning walk: a beautiful, big lake made of crystal water. I'm pretty sure that if we were here with our friends they would make a hundred jokes about why we arrived so late, but I guess since Niall's family is not the type of family that does it, they just smile to us.

"We're going back home by the end of the day", Greg tells Niall, who looks visibly stunned with the news. "Something came up at my work and Theo is sneezing a lot."

"Oh", it's all my boyfriend says, trying to smirk at him right after. "It's okay."


"Yeah, I had plans with everyone, but I guess we can do it another time", that's all Niall answers to him, and I just feel that he's saddened because of the abrupt end of the trip.

"Hey", I lift his chin, and his eyes are at the same height as mine, "is everything okay?"

"Yeah", he says again.

"You don't fool me, you know..."

"It's okay. Really. Do you want to go and swim in the lake?" Niall grins, and I kiss the top of his forehead.

"Of course, let's go", I take his hands in mine and we walk together to the lakeshore.

While we splash water on each other, kiss each other and tell jokes to each other (not necessarily in this order of events), I try to think of ways to make him feel better before I go out on promotion for my debut album. God knows how Niall Horan can be a little bit needy sometimes, and I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but I know he's going to miss me and I want him to take our good memories with him on the meantime.

Once Bobby is driving us back to Mullingar, I wait for Niall to sleep in my arms before I make an important call.


"Pinnock", I say, with a grin on my face.

"Trouble in paradise?"

"Not exactly", she huffs from the other side of the call, "we're with his family for a weekend trip but the plans were cancelled and now he's sad. I'll do something to make him feel better, or at least try to, but I need your help."


"You wanna help or not?"

"Rude, Styles. Rude. Of course I can help, I just don't know how."

"I'll drop him at your door today and once everything is done I'll go get him in your house."

"Hope you're not planning a night of sex, please. I don't wanna hear Niall talking about dirty stuff later."

"Don't make me laugh right now, Pinnock, he's sleeping in my arms!"

"And you think he's not listening to you? Oh, you're so dumb."

"He has a heavy sleep, I'm pretty sure."

"Oh, you wish."

I hang up the call before she starts cursing me. Once I look down to a sleeping Niall on my chest, his rose-colored lips involuntarily on my neck, I feel like I should never, ever in a million years, let him slide away from my embrace.

He's the one.

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