Emergency Room

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Harry: Waking up that morning, you didn’t picture your day turning out like this; fetal in the backseat of Harry’s Range Rover, sweating profusely and groaning in pain. It started as a typical Sunday morning – Harry was always up before you on Sundays, he’d be in the kitchen cooking up a storm. You took your time getting out of bed, laying comfortably in a tangled mess of bed sheets. Deciding to finally sit up, you hunch forward in pain, your abdomen aching. Taking a few deep breaths, the pain slowly subsided – you figuring it was just some cramping. But as the day went on, the cramping only seemed to get worse and by 8 pm that night, you were nearly in tears. “What can I do? Just tell me how to help?” Harry practically begged, watching as you hunched over in pain. You just shook your head, unable to form any sort of answer. “Where does it hurt?” Harry asked, again most likely. Your hand clutched the lower right hand side of your abdomen, and Harry’s eyes immediately go wide. As quickly as possible, he is hurrying to grab his and your coats, keys and phone just before helping you to the car. With the pain growing more and more severe, you lye down in the back seat of Harry’s car, moaning and groaning in pain as he sped down the road to the nearest hospital. “Just hold on babe, we’re nearly there.” Harry’s voice soothed from the drivers seat, just as you let out another sharp cry. Skidding the car to a stop, Harry rushes to get you out and into the ER. Carrying you in, he shouts for a nurse as your vision begins to blur. “Baby, please.” Harry cries, seeing you fade in and out as they removed you from his arms. When a nurse stops him from following you, that’s when he loses it. Sick with worry, Harry has no choice but to wait in the waiting room. When a doctor comes out nearly three hours later, he sighs a deep sigh of relief to hear that your Appendix was removed, and you are in Recovery. When they finally allow Harry to see you, his eyes fill to the brim with tears. “Oh baby, I was so worried.” He sighs, pushing back your wet hair to plant a light kiss on your damp forehead.

Louis: “This is bloody ridiculous.” Louis mumbles, shifting in the uncomfortable hospital chair next to you. “I’m alright Lou, I can wait.” You say weakly, your voice hoarse. Louis watches you sadly, noticing you’re shivering he bundles you up even more in the blanket you had draped around you. It started as a normal cold, but the second you began to cough up blood, Louis insisted on taking you to the hospital. You were pale, sweating uncontrollably yet shivering at the same time. The sight nearly broke Louis heart, but he was more angry at the moment than anything. The two of you had been sitting in the ER for hours now, and you were only beginning to feel worse. Another coughing fit hits you once more and when Louis notices even more blood than before, he stands up and marches to the front desk. “Excuse me, but when is my girlfriend going to be examined? It’s been nearly three hours.” He snaps, watching as the young nurse behind the counter snaps her gum and rolls her eyes in annoyance. “Have a seat sir, we’ll be with you shortly.” She recites, her eyes not once meeting his. Louis slams his fists on the desk, causing the nurse to jump in surprise. “That’s not good enough!” He shouts, earning a warning look from one of the security guards, and just before the man was ready to haul Louis back to his seat, you feel the urge to vomit. You shout for your boyfriend just before the blood begins to drip from your lips. “(Y/N)?! Jesus, can you please get a fucking doctor now?! Can’t you realize she’s not fucking well?!” Louis yells at the now wide eyed nurse and she simply nods her head, her sneakers squeaking as she ran down the hallway. Louis holds you close to his body, and lifts you effortlessly just as a team of doctors push through a set of doors with a gurney. You’re lifted and rolled away before Louis can even comprehend what’s happening. After a series of tests, results come through that it’s not a normal cold, but a severe case of Pneumonia. After being admitted and hooked up to antibiotics and other fluids, Louis is allowed to see you. “You gave me a proper scare, darling.” He sighs, pushing back your hair gently. “I think you gave that nurse a proper scare.” You chuckled, vaguely remembering the horrified look on the lazy nurse’s face.

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