Itaru Chigasaki X Reader Fluff

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~It's Just a Game~

I timidly knocked on Itaru's door. It was late and I feared he'd already gone into "gamer mode". I had to politely ask him to be quite. That was it. Not a big deal. God, why couldn't one of the boy's have done it?

"Itaru?" I knocked a little louder. No response. I sighed and gently twisted his doorknob peeking into his room. "Uh...Itaru?" I glanced around the room and spotted him on his couch.

Sure enough, he was dead set on one of his favorite games. Headset on and everything. I coughed loudly hoping he would notice me. He paused his game and jerked off his headset.

"What?" He turned around annoyed by my presence.

"Can you please keep it down. The guys were complaining." I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Sorry." His apology was blunt. "Actually..." He spoke again trailing off.

"What?" I stepped towards him.

"Can I show you how to play?" He fiddled with his headset cord. "I've always wanted to, but y'know all of the other guys are scared they're gonna become addicts." I bit back a laugh and walked over to Itaru taking a seat next to him on the couch.

"Sure. I don't mind. As long as you promise to keep it down at night." I held out my pinky to which Itaru eagerly looped his around.

"I promise." Itaru scooted towards me until our hips were touching and gently handed me his controller.

"What kind of game is this?" I looked up meeting his eyes. He grinned down at me.

"A fighting game, but you're pretty fierce." He chuckled and gently turned my head towards the TV screen.

"What if I ruin your score or something." I looked back at him again concern lacing my voice.

"You won't." He smiled and turned my head again. "Even if you did. It's not that big of a deal."

I nodded ready to play. "Wait. What are the controls?" Itaru threw his head back laughing.

"Here." Itaru leaned over me pointing out the buttons I had to push to; attack, jump, run and block.

"I think I got it." I muttered not sure of my own words.

"How about we play one round like this." Itaru pulled me in between his legs and rested his hands on top of mine. "I'll help you move your hands." My face flushed a bright red, but I agreed.

The game played a short cutscene and dropped us onto a map. "Remember these are real people playing."

"What!" I turned my head to face Itaru. "I don't wanna fight real people." I turned back towards the screen dejected.

"(Y/N)." He chuckled and rested his chin on my shoulder. His breath tickled my ear. "It's just a game." I gulped flustered. A countdown appeared on the screen.

"What's that for?" I cocked my head.

"How long we have until the other players join the arena." I hummed. Itaru ran his thumb up and down my hand patiently waiting. Finally the countdown stopped.

A loud noise went off and people came running at us. I leaned away from the TV pressing into Itaru's chest, but skilled as he was, he took the enemies down in about 5 seconds. He moved my fingers across the controller effortlessly.

I blinked confused. "That was it?"

"Yep." Itaru poked me in the rib.

"But you did it for me. Put it on again I wanna try myself." Itaru pulled my closer against his chest and pressed a couple buttons to reload the game.

"Let's start on easy." I nodded. Itaru started the game and it went back to the loading screen. He lifted his hands off the controller and slid them around my waist in a hug keeping his chin on my shoulder.

The noise went off again and enemies came at me, this time a lot slower. I bit my lip focused and pointed the camera at one of the enemies. I pressed the attack button and successfully knocked one of them down.

"Yes!" I yelled.

"Keep it down or the boys will hear." Itaru sighed. "There's still another guy over there...!" Itaru grimaced as the other enemy killed me.

"Let me play again! I got this."

And we did. We played for three hours straight. I played easy mode for awhile. Then switched to medium and eventually hard. After I'd mastered hard mode Itaru and I played multiplayer. It was currently 2:00 in the morning and I was playing another round when I heard Itaru snore softly beside me.

"Itaru?" I paused the game turning towards him. His eyelids fluttered and he mumbled turning towards the edge of the couch. He was probably going to fall but it's not like I could move him.

"(Y/N)..." He muttered. I perked up at my name and moved closer listening intently. "That's not how you do it damn it..." He ran a hand through his messy blonde hair and sighed.

Was he seriously dreaming about gaming? It pained me, but seeing him fall of the couch would pain me even more. I reached over shaking him awake.

"Itaru. Wake up." He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes.

"What?" He mumbled sleep deprived. The tie in his hair was missing making his usually neatly styled hair stick out in all directions.

"Cute bedhead." I reached up attempting to fix the blonde mess. He grabbed my wrists.

"You should go to bed I've kept you up all night." He seemed upset.

"Don't be silly. I wanted to stay up with you." I smiled. "Honestly, I don't really want to go back to my room."

"You can sleep in my bed." Itaru offered letting go of my wrists. "I'll sleep on the couch."

"No, I can't make you do that."

"Then we can both sleep in my bed." I blushed at his bluntness.


"I would never do anything to you. You can sleep in my bed, but only if you don't mind." Itaru stood up from the couch leaving his offer on the table.

"I guess that's fine." My feet were at the foot of Itaru's bed before I could even process what I'd agreed to.

"Here." He offered a hand to help me up the ladder. I smiled and accepted his outstretched hand. We got situated on his bed silently at least a foot apart from each other. I turned away from him and curled into a ball.

"You talk in your sleep." I mumbled.

"What?" Itaru moved towards me sitting up.

"Yeah." I turned around facing him. "You were talking about me..." Although the lights were off I could faintly make out a blush dusting Itaru's cheeks.

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