Tsumugi Tsukioka X Reader Fluff

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Sorry about not posting I was working on my other story! Here's some cuteness after sinning last chapter 😏

~Falling For Him~

I unplugged my phone from its charger in the kitchen. It lit up, a picture of me and all the boys lighting up the screen. I smiled reminiscing and slipped my phone into my legging pocket. Time to go on a late night run!

I was turning the doorknob when-

"(Y/N)? Do you mind if I come with you?" Tsumugi grinned rubbing his neck. He was dressed in a t-shirt and basketball shorts and to top it off, running shoes.

"Sure, seems like you're ready to go" I shrugged and opened the door.

"Thanks" He stepped out the door and stood by the steps waiting for me. "I feel like I should be working out more. Since I'm an actor and all" I chuckled locking the dorms door.

"But your perfect the way you are" I playfully punched Tsumugi's shoulder. He rolled his eyes and shoved me back.

"You are too, so why are you exercising?" He raised an eyebrow smirking. I blushed embarrassed and started jogging, leaving him walking behind me. "Hey, wait up!"

I slowed down and faced Tsumugi beginning to jog backwards. "Last one to the end of the block has to eat the two week old leftovers from the fridge!" I challenged him and whipped around beginning to sprint.

"What the hell!" He shouted his footsteps becoming increasingly louder. I held in my giggle trying to control my breathing. There was absolutely no way I was going to be left eating the two week old curry. I could puke at the mere thought.

Tsumugi jogged right behind me practically stepping on the back of my sneakers. We were almost to the end of the street. I gasped for breath stumbling towards the end of our race. I was confident that Tsumugi would have to eat the leftovers until I noticed a crack in the sidewalk.

It was too late. I slowed my pace attempting to stop, but I launched forward, my foot catching on the crack. I fell forward rolling onto my side twisting my right ankle in the process. I gasped and gritted my teeth rolling over to tenderly grasp my ankle.

"(Y/N)!" Tsumugi crouched next to me forgetting about the race. "Oh no" He mumbled panicking.

"Don't worry. I'm good" I grunted and attempted to push myself off the ground. Tsumugi hovered next to me, worried. I took a step shifting my weight to my twisted ankle and crumpled to the ground. Tsumugi crouched next to me again. He smiled empathetically and brushed my hair out of my face.

"It's okay. I'll carry you"

"What! No! I couldn't make you carry me" I waved my hand frantically.

"You're not making me. I'm offering. It's gonna take forever to get back if you can't walk" Tsumugi remained crouched but turned around so his back was facing me. "Get on"

I sighed. I didn't want to force him to carry me but it was getting darker by the minute and it would be pitch black if I walked home with a twisted ankle. Plus I could further damage my ankle.

Using Tsumugi's shirt as leverage I pulled myself onto his back. Although he seemed frail compared to the other members he was still quite strong. He grabbed the back of my thighs keeping me steady whilst he lifted himself off the ground. I gingerly wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Tell me again why you go on jogs so late?" Tsumugi muttered. I blushed and sat up straighter. "Relax, I was kidding. Just enjoy your free piggy back ride"

I slowly laid back down against Tsumugi's back the exhaustion hitting me like a tidal wave. I yawned reaching a hand up to cover my mouth.


"A little. Just dreading having to put ice on my ankle and not move" I grunted annoyed with my idiocy.

"I'll take care of you" Tsumugi offered.

"Really?" I grinned grateful. The tips of Tsumugi's ears flushed.

"Well-Yeah, if you don't mind"

"Of course not!" I nuzzled my face in Tsumugi's neck giving it a squeeze. The sky was now a deep blue. I yawned again apologizing. Slowly my head drifted down onto Tsumugi's shoulder.

It was a full moon that night and it made Tsumugi's hair glow a dark indigo. I sighed blissfully and raised a hand running a finger through his silky locks. Tsumugi's leaned into my touch enjoying the feeling of my fingers on his scalp. I chuckled.

"Do you mind?" I questioned hoping he'd say no.


"Good" I reached my hand up again massaging his scalp. He visibly shivered. From my hands or the sudden chill? I'd never know.

When we arrived back at the dorms I'd already fallen asleep my fingers tangled in his hair. A couple minutes later I woke up on the couch an ice pack wrapped around my ankle. Masumi and Tsumugi were seated next to me. Watching.

"Morning sleepy head" Tsumugi smiled. "Why don't you go back to sleep. I'm here to wait on you hand and foot" Masumi grimaced.

"That's my job" I giggled and yawned my eyes becoming droopy. I fell asleep again to the sound of those two bickering.

Side Story: Tsumugi's POV

"Isn't she beautiful when she sleeps?" Masumi smiled dreamily. I stayed silent. Of course she was. If only she knew how hard I'd fallen for her. Me, Tsumugi.

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