Koujaku's Phase

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I fumbled with the cold metal key in my hand, trying to grip it with my frozen cold hands as they got wet with snow. "If you're not home I swear I'll murder you Koujaku." I mumble under my breath as the lock clicks and I hurriedly open the door. As soon as I walk in the scent of soaps, and product sting my nose. "Must've left just a second ago." I sigh and plop on the bed stripping myself of my jacket, scarf, and boots. The warm bed welcomed me to wrap myself in it's red silk sheets. My pale skin grows goosebumps as the cold fabric from the bedding touches my legs. "Koujaku said he would be here." I muttered to myself as I instinctively close my eyes falling asleep. I thought back to when Koujaku cut my hair and I ended up in his bed again. He was warm, and looked so peaceful asleep. It was a...dream being able to have Koujaku so close to me, at least while it was still like that.

"Aoba." A worried voice mumbled as a cold hand touched my forehead. I struggled to open my eyes, and my throat was dry not wanting to talk. "Hm?" Managing I looked up to see a startling navy ponytail in my face. "Koujaku move." His eyes narrowed the red bulbs almost glaring. " YOU are in my bed scoot over or at least wake up." After hearing his words my heart seemed to stop. Correct me if it was the fever kicking in or I was stabbed. "Koujaku." I whispered softly looking up at him with shining blue eyes tearing up. No. I expected this Koujaku's not into me, he moved on 'matured,' but still it hurt to see him not crawling in with me, but telling me to move. "S-sorry." Trying to sit up I choked back tears sniffling a little he reached his bandaged hand out. "Aoba you okay?" No I'm not I'm tired and heartbroken I feel like a freaking teenage girl! "Can I just sleep?" Pouting I pulled the blanket to my face and laid there biting my tongue. Why does it have to be like this! I still like him, I enjoy the way he feels, how he would always wake up and tease me both our hairs messy. "I let you cut my hair goddammit!" I spurted out with my voice coarse tears streaming. "Aoba." His voice soft I could hear him freeze, no noise no movement.

"You always do this don't you? Make me feel good then the second you get bored you leave me for some girl you met that day?" I shot up my eyes burning with the tears, and strain from yelling. "I'm fucking done! You obviously don't care do you? You can't keep being nice and giving me this fucking sense of hope you ass!" Balling my fist I lazily swung at him. I want him to feel the same as me, I need him to be in pain. Sadly he got my tired fist and pulled me in hugging me. "Aoba, you're fine." Silence between us as I huffed for air my tears falling. "I'm sorry I know. I'm sorry for dragging you into this, and leaving you." Closing his eyes he hugged me tighter and inhaled my scent. "Thank you Aoba." Smiling he lowered me back on the bed looking at my tear stained face, he leaned in and kissed it softly.

"You always were prettier than them." A blush crept across my warm face as Koujaku lightly stroked the side with his fingernail. Of course he was blushing too a weird 'smile' on his face, about now he would be stuttering compliments looking away embarrassed. "Kou-ja-ku." I sang as I slipped my shirt off slowly. "I love you dork." I giggled as on cue he grabbed his face turning around eyes spinning, "Nose bleed boy." I continued till he pinned me down on the bed playfully growling I bit my lip as his hand skimmed around my chest and stomach. Wrapping my arms around his neck I smirked to him whispering in his ear. "Welcome home idiot."

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