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I pressed my finger on the bell. The racing beating of my heart pulsated under my fingertips. We have been seeing each other a lot these days, but this is the first time I'm coming over to his place. He's invited me over several times, but there was something that always stopped me. I was terrified. I didn't want to take things too fast. What if I looked too desperate or needy? But I also didn't want to drive him away, because I really liked him. When it came to dating, I had no idea how the term fast is measured. At this point, I didn't care, I was tired. I just wanted to go with the flow. So when he invited me over last night, I didn't find any reason I would turn him down.

The door unlocked, my throat constricted as though it wouldn't allow a word slip by.

"Just on time." His cheekbones were high and prominent as he threw his most dazzling smile at me. His only garment was a pair of red shorts and a printed tee. His thatch of black hair was damp, swept away, as though he just stepped out his shower.

"For?" I removed my sandals at the foyer as he closed the door behind me.

"I was just popping the cake in the oven."

"Two months, and you never told me you could bake."

"I thought I mentioned it."

The house was welcoming from the open door to the wide hallway. His home was rooms and walls like any other, beds, tables and chairs, yet it was the way he had things set up, spotless and organized. Not a footprint anywhere.

"Your house doesn't look like a bachelor pad."

"Forgive me if I don't like to keep my home like garbage."

I laughed. "It's a good thing, of course."

The walls were the colours of the ocean and sand, somewhere I adore. They were decorated with paintings, a lot of them. The paintings dominated the walls, every colour was bold and painted with such precise lines that it almost looked like a mosaic. They were curved yet sharply defined; they seemed to be stable but tumbled at the same time. Like me I think, so stable but always in free-fall inside.

"You collect paintings?"

"I'm fond of them," he said, walking into the kitchen adjoining the hall.

I followed him inside. The aroma of the baking cake was more delicious than any flavour.

He mentally mixed and matched the ingredients and started whipping the chocolate cream.

"Why do I not know any of this?"

"I thought this would bore you."

"If you could listen to me going on about my job, I could take this, in fact with a lot of interest."

He stopped whipping the cream. "Really?" I focused on his eyes, which were glistening like an old copper paper under the counter top lights.

"Yes." I dipped my finger in the bowl of whipped cream and tasted it. "Mmm..." I moaned. "So what else do I not know about you?" I asked.

The pad of his thumb grazed the corner of my lips. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery. My heart fluttered. I noticed that it was some whipped cream that I had failed to eat decently. He slowly licked it off his finger. "You know many thing about me, Mahi.

"You don't tell me a lot of thing, Mr. Varun Thakur."

He looked at my lips and I knew what he was about to do. I was not ready at all for this. My hands got sweaty and shaky. He was leaning forward and my instinct was to take a step back and run for my life but I found myself moving closer to him.

"Well, you're about to know a lot of things about me." His lips touched mine and I somehow knew exactly what to do with mine.


Am here with another book.  Probably with the title of the book or the prologue, you're guessing the plot line. But, there's SO SO MUCH MORE to it. I'm super excited and equally nervous too. Just like The Client, Swiped Right is also going to break a lot of stigmas, deal with many sensitive issues. Swiped Right will be a challenge for me to write, but that's the best part, that's why writing never gets boring for me. I really hope it's going to be the same for you guys when you read it too. Chapter 1 is coming up in three days!  And you know what? Swiped Right is going to be FREE and a Wattpad exclusive. Do let me know how you liked it. It would mean a lot to me. Can't wait to get this journey started. 

P.S.Don't forget to leave your votes and comments. To know more about Swiped Right, you can follow me on Instagram @rainbowlovie.

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