𝑷𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 :: 07

Start from the beginning

Jimin could see Mr. Jeon's jaw clench from where he stood, not missing the flash of burning anger in his eyes. He reached his hand up to pinch at the bridge of his nose, catching how Jungkook flinched in the process.

Why did he flinch?

Mr. Jeon was quick to usher Jungkook inside right after that. He surveyed his surroundings with a frantic look in his eyes. Jimin had nearly been caught, but he recoiled as quickly as possible, hiding behind the wall. His heart was beating quickly and he felt the adrenaline pulsing through his veins. He couldn't understand why he had to be so nosy.

Fuck the walk, he thought to himself.

He ran back into his house, expecting to have to sneak past his father or come up with an excuse as to why he was back so early.

But it appeared his father was already gone in the short five minutes he was absent. He must have went through the back; which was kind of strange considering all of the vehicles were parked in the front.

He shrugged it off, making his way upstairs to his bedroom.

Just as he had expected, Jungkook and his father were in the young boy's bedroom. It was clear that they were fighting. In the very short time that Jimin knew Jungkook, he came to learn that he was very strong willed. But to see him terrified as his father raised his hand once again and...

Slapped him?!

Jimin gaped, watching as Jungkook held his cheek. The same cheek that Jimin had slapped that one day at school.

Was it possible that he felt some guilt?

Mr. Jeon continued to yell, and Jungkook just took it as was. He flinched and stumbled. Cowered and tumbled onto his bed, shielding himself. From both his father's hands and words alike.

It was evident now that Mr. Jeon knew very well about his son's sexuality. And because of what he overheard earlier, the fuel adding to the fire, he could only assume, was the fact that Jungkook's taste resided in men.

He felt much conflict. Sure, Jungkook was gay and maybe that wasn't great. But he knew that no parent should ever hit their child. Even if they were gay.

It was like a complete replay from yesterday. Fighting, to crying. Jungkook was lonely now, as his father had left the room. The only company the boy had was his own tears and soft sobs. Jimin couldn't hear them, but he could see them. He could see the pain.

Jimin suddenly let out a squeak, Jungkook very much so catching him in the act of staring. He pretended to be hard at work on his laptop. It didn't really matter, though, as Jungkook had closed his curtains shut almost immediately.

Jimin curled his lips in, biting down. He closed his laptop, the tactic clearly not working in the slightest. Fingers pressed to his now released bottom lip, he found himself deep in thought. Thoughts that he never imagined would surface his mind, considering how before he wanted literally nothing to do with his new neighbour.

But being the nosy boy that he was, he was now curious and eager for answers. What kind of life was Jungkook living? Was his life before this one similar?

During dinner, Mr. Jeon had mentioned how this type of environment - a wealthy one - was new to Jungkook. A foreign setting.

Jimin scrunched his nose, fighting with himself internally. Was he actually going to go through with this? He sighed deeply, standing up from his computer desk. He had to satiate his curiosity.

And so he made his way downstairs and into the kitchen, surfing through the fridge. He pulled out a freshly baked pie his mother made just the night prior, and specifically for some work event. He whispered a small 'sorry' aloud before making his way to the door. He stuffed his feet into his shoes, exiting his home.

The walk to Jungkook's front doorstep was quick, yet it felt like ages to get there. His mind was on full swing during the duration of his small trek. He wasn't sure what he was doing, really.

He inhaled, and then exhaled deeply, staring down at the pie before he lifted his curled fist into the air, bringing his knuckles down against the large door. At that moment, he very much debated just dropping it and running for his dear life.

But the door swung open, and much to his surprise, there stood Jungkook rather than his father.

Jungkook stared at Jimin. First and foremost, his expression was tailored into that of confusion. Subsequent to that, he shook his head with an obvious scowl and went to close the door.

"Wait!" Jimin shouted, placing his foot in the doorway.

"My dad isn't home. I don't want your pie. Go," he said brusquely.

Jimin bit down on his lower lip. He found himself analyzing Jungkook's soft features, but more so his reddened eyes and clumped lashes. His cheeks were rosy.

"Okay... the truth is is that I didn't stop by to drop off some stupid rhubarb pie," Jimin announced hesitantly, eyes flitting between his foot in the door and the pie in his hands.

Jungkook's brow quirked at the revelation. "Okay... so then what do you want? I'm surprised you're standing on my doorstep, nevermind your foot breaching my house. Aren't you afraid I'm going to infect you or something?"

At the mention of that, Jimin found himself tensing. But he slacked, because he came here for a reason. But that didn't mean he wasn't going to keep his defenses up.

"I have questions," he said timidly.

Jungkook sniffed. "What about?"

"Well you're not exactly an open book, Jungkook," Jimin said. There was a moment of silence before he spoke up again. "About your dad... and-"

"Ah ah," Jungkook said, pressing his forefinger to Jimin's full lips. "I'm gonna stop you there. My dad's and I's relationship is none of your business."

"But you were crying-"

"For fuck sakes, Jimin. I don't want your God damn comfort food. Just go away," Jungkook snapped, pulling his hand away from Jimin's face.

Jimin peered up through his lashes, unable to match Jungkook's strong gaze. He removed his foot out of the doorway, slowly, feeling his shoulders fall.

"You're curious for all of the wrong reasons. If you really wanna get to know me, put aside your pride and prejudice. I can't handle people like you," Jungkook said before slamming the door in Jimin's face.

Jimin jumped, almost dropping the pie but managing to catch it by a small margin.

People like me? He thought to himself. Was he really so bad to the point that he belonged to a certain group of people?

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