Tokyo Drift AU

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I lost the file to the Resident Evil one so I gotta rewrite it :( in the mean time here's a Tokyo drift AU.

Yeah I'm aware this will be very cringe so bear with me. Also, if you guys want, I'll make a chapter that goes over the whole movie rather than an AU.

"Okay so while the other universe is tricky to find, I decided to play this one for you." Said Trigun, making the audience raise an eyebrow.

"What's wring with that universe?" Asked Endeavour who made the god sigh. "There is multiple timelines of that one. Don't ask." Trigun deadpanned, making the Audience confused but shook it off.

"Well what's this one about? Is it cool?" Exclaimed Mina, making Trigun Chuckle. "I guess you could say so, in this universe, the students of Class 1-A, B, Shieketsu and more are doing some... things during the weekend. You're teachers find out and go to confront you about it. Keep in mind this is version one of this, there's another I'll show you later." Trigun finished, making everyone interested from what this universe has to offer.

It was a beautiful Friday morning in UA high. The birds were singing, Class was going on as usual and Aizawa was in his sleeping bag waiting for his students.

"You sure they will come Eraser?" Midnight asked her fellow teacher who nodded.

"If Not I'll expel them. They are so far two minutes and forty five seconds late. That's unacceptable." Aizawa deadpanned before looking at the lone student who been in class since six in the morning, Tenya Iida.

"Of course he would be there that early." Said Uraraka and Momo, making Iida stand up.

"It is only wise to be ready and on time for a good day at school!" He exclaimed, making Bakugou growl.

"SCHOOL DOESNT START TILL 8:30 FOUR EYES" he yelled before heading back to the screen.

"Iida. Where is everyone." The underground pro Hero asked his student who shot to his feet like a fresh recruit in the military. "SENSEI! I apologize for my students tardiness! We shall make it up swiftly." He exclaimed while doing karate chops in the air.

The door suddenly opens, revealing Class 1-A who looked more tired than there usual preppy selves.

"You are late." Said Aizawa as he got out his sleeping bag.

Uraraka sighed as she rubbed her eyes to get the sleep out of them before Kaminari spoke. "Yeah were sorry sir." He said to his teacher who narrowed his eyes. "It's been like this for the past two weeks now. Where have you all been?" Aizawa asked his class who stiffened in nervousness before Izuku spoke. "W-w-w-well sensei... we kinda... h-h-had got the movie m-m-marathon for those marvel movies... w-w-we been watching them for weeks n-n-n-now." Midoryia mumbled as Katsuki growled at his friends words.

"DAMMIT NERD CAN YOU NOT MUTTER EVERY SECOND!?" Yelled Bakugou in frustration, making Mirio face palm.

"Can you relax? You are scaring Eri." Mirio said with gritted teeth as he held Eri protectively like a father would do for his child.

Bakugou was about to retort but a deathly glare from Aizawa shut him up.

Everyone was nodding very quickly to Izuku's words. However, Aizawa for some unknown reason, didn't believe them. It didn't matter however, all that mattered was that they were in class.

He sighed as he got to the podium and looked at his class. "Last chance. If you are late by five seconds, You will ALL be suspended for three weeks. Do I make my self clear?" Aizawa demanded with his eyes glowing fiercely, making everyone gulp and nod.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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