Modern Warfare(Just like old Times)

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"Modern Warfare? Kind of an odd name." Midnight spoke from the crowd.

Nezu nodded in agreement before speaking. "Students! I suggest you pay attention to this universe, you may find tactics to help you in your future careers." The principal of UA high spoke, the students nodded before looking at the screen.

The screen flickered on, a blue text appearing below with the words "most wanted" written in giant white letters. Above were two boxes, the images flickering as the faces and names began to render.

"Who are they?" Snipe asked in curiosity.

"Considering this universe is called "modern warfare", I'm guessing they are war criminals. The question is, who are they?" Nighteye surmised before pushing his glasses upward.

Everyone watched the screen intently, and a bit of fear, wondering who it was behind the flickering images.

The images finally came into view with two names underneath them both with their military rank. The image on the left was an older man with a scruffy beard and dark green hair underneath a military barret. His eyes were sharp and his face had a small scar on his cheek.

The picture of the right was a man with a blonde Mohawk and red eyes. A scowl was on his face and a scar ran down his left eye, ending near his jaw.

This was Captain: Izuku "Price" Midoryia and Lieutenant First Class: Katsuki "Soap" Bakugou.

"No way!" Kirishima exclaimed in shock. The rest of the audience were beyond shocked about whose image were shown. 

"Izuku/ Bakugou!?" Everyone exclaimed in shock while Bakugou let out a snarl.

"HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT NERD OUTRANK ME!?" He shouted in anger before Kirishima grabbed him by the shoulder. "Chill out Bakubro, I think Midoryia is older than you here so that might explain it." The red head finished with a smile, calming the explosive boy down and sat back in his seat.

"I wonder how you guys got those scars." Sero asked in curiosity.

"From experience, the way how they look in the images, they have been through a lot together." Nighteye said with an analytical tone while the other pro heroes nodded in agreement before looking at the screen.

"We got one good UMP. Those fuckers got a thousand." The voice of Katsuki Bakugou spoke as the images were replaced with a map of the world.

"Hold up, are you Scottish in this universe?" Kaminari asked the explosive blonde who stayed silent. Jiro sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Maybe if you shut up and watch, it would explain." She deadpanned, making the blonde slump in his chair.

"We don't even know if Shigiraki's intel was any good." Katsuki continued as the camera zoomed in onto a desert near the mountains. "Price?" Katsuki asked for Izuku's input and received no response.

"Price?" Katsuki asked again.

"The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on earth." Izuku finally spoke to Katsuki.

"His voice is so rugged and deep!" Mina and Toru exclaimed after hearing their cinnamon roll speak.

"That voice also holds a lot of wisdom and experience." Aizawa added.

"But I think that's a luxury. To know that your close to freedom." Izuku continued.

Everyone was shocked to hear that Izuku wasn't afraid of dying, that he felt it was more of a freedom rather than a curse.

The Deku Verse! Seeing the different Lives of Izuku Midoryia! Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя