Chapter 1: In The Freedom of Darkness

Start from the beginning

(He dismissed the thought that it was because he was fun, he didn't hurt anyone at all and always managed to entertain them, bringing a little excitement in their repetitive everyday lives. Nope. Doing laundry was not fun, buying excessive amounts of shampoo to get rid of whatever he had gotten on his hair was not fun.)

They all went back to the station with resigned sighs, people looking at them on their way not because they were police but because they were glitterized and wet with soda.

"Ah, he managed to get away again"

"That sneaky bastard"

"He almost slipped on his grabbing hook"

"Heh, doesn't he always"

The conversation was light as if they were talking about the coffee they had this morning. They were used to it.

• • • • •

Eraserhead loved the shadows.

Because even if they haunted him sometimes, they helped him hide, they brought him a sense of comfort, of safety. That's why he always wore black, or he was just a naturally angsty sleep deprived person.

It's also the reason he had night patrols. Or maybe it's because he hates the media, those annoying, nosy, fuckers. Who knows? His reasons mix, either way, he loves his job as a teacher and pro-hero.

His was on his normal patrol when he stumbled upon the person that he didn't know would make his life much more hectic, and maybe increase his caffeine consumption.

"Ha! Look at that, it didn't hit me at all!" A scream of a disoriented voice, obviously filtered, drew him towards the ongoing battle.

It was of a small man wearing a simple hoodie and a mask with nothing but a grin sprawled across it, his eyes were a vibrant green, hair covered by the hood. His opponent looked to be a pretty simple mugger, a knife in hand but clearly inexperienced in using it, the only thing standing out was the unnatural size of his fingers.

"C'mon!" The green eyed one coaxed teasingly which drew out a growl from his attacker.

"Why you little-!" Eraserhead couldn't help but feel that there was something different in his voice, the tone wasn't the usual one that small-time, brash criminals normally used. Looking a little closer, he can see that the man was... Grinning?

"Oh ho ho, getting old now are we?" The smaller of the two continued to tease, amusement coating his voice. Eraserhead frowned, judging from their frames, in a head on confrontation he would surely lose, was he just overconfident or did he have a plan?


No. He did not have a plan.

Was what he concluded after a few more minutes of watching them fight, it was purely just that, a battle. None of the two seemed to be interested in ending it, throwing punches and dodging kicks left and right while making no big moves that would impact it greatly. Now, this could just be inexperience in them or something else, either way, Eraserhead had other things to do so he planned to stop this.

Just as he was about to step in, the thug landed a punch, which seemed illogical because, while lacking brute strength, the smaller one was clearly faster.

He didn't think on it for long since after that, green had stood up, not the least bit affected, and bowed out of nowhere, the other seemed stunned.

Before anything else could happen, they suddenly made eye contact.

Eraserhead made eye contact with Irony.

• • • • •

Shouta grumbled as he pet his cat, the soft fur under his fingers making him feel at least the slightest bit better after having met the possibly most annoying vigilante of the decade.

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