Episode 8: Keep It Together

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Before I realize it, I'm already outside.

(Why am I so upset? Izaac's always with some girl, it's no big deal... Right?)

The image of them huddled close together burns in the back of my eye. I can't get his serious expression out of my mind, too.

I look back up Blair's building. Light pours out from her windows. You can tell that there are many people inside.

(I don't feel like going back.)

I know there's supposed to have a countdown to Blair's birthday at midnight.

(And I know I should stay until it's over.)

But I turn my back on the house and begin walking the other way.

I see a cab down the street.

I raise my hand but a couple ahead flags it down first.

I can see their faces clearly under the streetlight.

It's Nate and Jenny.

(What are they doing?)

I guess they still need to work things out from the last incident.

Jenny: "I had a good time."

Nate: "Me too. Well, good night."

The two of them exchange a friendly smile, and Jenny gets into the taxi.

Nate watches the taxi drive off, without noticing me, he keeps walking on ahead.

(What's going on?)

I'm still standing there, watching him ahead, a limo pulls up beside me.

The back seat door opens Marc comes into the view.

Marc: "Hi, [Y/N]!"


Alex is sitting behind him.

Now that I think about it, I remember seeing both of their names on the list.

Marc: "You on your way home?"


Marc: "The party is just getting started, though. Not that I have room to talk since the two of us also left."

Alex: "Why don't you hop in? We'll take you home."

Marc: "It's on the way."

Since they both insist, I take their offer and hop inside.

The car pulls away into the night.

"Are you both heading back home too?"

Alex: "No, we are on our way to another party."

"You guys must be really popular."

Marc: "We have a habit of spicing things up."

He says with a laugh.

I can see why. They're both pretty social and always seem up for anything.

Marc: "Why don't you come with us? Maybe you'll have a better time with us than at Blair's party."

"But I wasn't invited, so..."

Marc: "Don't worry, it's cool. Nobody ever makes a fuss if we bring more people. We'll take you home later."

(That sounds fun but...)

"I think I'll pass this time."

Marc: "How come?"

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