Episode 6: More than Meets the Eye (Pt.2)

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Samantha: "I promised your father I would quit working after we get married."

Izaac: "You promised him?"

Samantha: "I did. Your school would never accept a parent being a burlesque dancer. They'd probably just find some excuse to expel you."

Chuck: "Obviously, they have no appreciation for the finer things in life."

Chuck butts in.

Samantha: "I was so happy when your father proposed to me. Of course, the fact that he's rich didn't hurt. But more than anything, I was happy that someone like him would seriously consider marrying someone like me."

She smiles shyly.

Samantha: "So I agreed to quit working without a second thought. I don't know how he did it but your father wiped away my past and gave me a clean slate. I become someone new and married him."

Chuck: "I went through a lot of effort tracking her down."

Izaac: "If that's the case then why would you..."

Samantha: "At first, Chuck threatened me."

"He threatened you?"

Samantha: "He said if I didn't want Izaac or anyone to know about my past, I need to help him."

Izaac: "Chuck, you son of a-"

Chuck: "Now, now, l. It was just a proposition."

"Sounds more like blackmail than anything else."

Chuck ignores my remark and smirks.

Samantha: "At first I got involved because I didn't feel like I had a choice. But I found out that I enjoy it more and more."

She tells us in confidence.

Samantha: "When I married your father, I became one of your worlds. But the truth is, social life is too boring for me. I don't fit in at all. But here, I can express myself freely. I don't have to hide anything. I can really be myself. This is where I belong, where I was meant to be."


Samantha: "Izaac, let me talk to your father."

Izaac: "Huh?"

Samantha: "Quitting my job was the first agreement of our prenup. I broke it, so I have no choice but to accept however he reacts. You might just get your wish."

Izaac stares at her in silence.

Just then a waiter approaches Chuck and tells him something, before leaving again.

Chuck: "Looks like the show is about to start. The dancers are waiting for you to give them a final run through."

Samantha: "I'm on it."

Chuck: "Izaac, how about you and [Y/N] stay and watch the show?"

Izaac: "You want us to watch?"

Chuck: "Let me get you both a seat. Since you've taken the trouble to come out this way, you should at least enjoy the show."

The light sum and on stage the silhouettes of the dancers are outlined under the spotlight.

With their sexy demeanor and their seductive looks, the show starts right away.


I gaze at the stage.

I look at Izaac beside me. His attention is focused on the stage, and his face betrays no emotion whatsoever.

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