Episode 7: A Broken Heart (Pt.2)

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Nate told me to meet him at a coffee shop nearby. When I get there, I immediately see him sitting by himself near a window.

Nate: "Sorry for asking you to meet so suddenly like this."

"No worries."

Nate: "What's that?", he asks while looking at the paper bag I'm holding.

"Macaroon. I got them for Blair."

Nate: "She loves these. How did you know?"

"Oh, I just..."

The last thing I want to do is to talk about what just happened with Izaac and me.

"That's not important. Anyway, what's up? How's everything?"

Nate: "I've been better. My mom's giving me a really hard time. She thinks this is all my fault."

"No way, why would she say that?"

Nate: "She's not really wrong, though. I'm the reason my dad got arrested."

"What?! Why?"

Nate: "Yesterday we were all having dinner at Blair's house. He was tweaked out on coke, going on about this and that. I handed him over to the police and told them he had drugs."

He seems to be struggling, but he continues on.

Nate: "But, you know, I just didn't want to let him get away this time. I wanted him to come clean. But then I found out that he was in much bigger trouble than just the drugs."

"That's awful."

Nate: "Apparently the FBI had had their eye on him for a while. With everything going on, Blair's mom will never want to do business with my dad."

I remember Nate told me his family's entire state was riding on this deal. I feel truly sorry for him.

Nate: "My mom even gave me this."

He takes out a small box and shows me what's inside. It's a beautiful diamond ring.

"This is absolutely gorgeous."

Nate: "My mom told me to give this to Blair for her birthday."

"Does that mean she wants you to propose?"

Nate lets out a small sigh.

Nate: "It doesn't matter. I broke it off with Blair yesterday."

"You did?"

I think back to Blair at the burlesque club. Now everything makes sense.

Nate: "The worst part is, my mom won't even own up to the fact that she's using me. At first, I said I would do it because I didn't want to let her down but I don't think I can go through with it."


Nate: "I'm just sick and tired of always doing what other people tell me to. I don't want to lie to Blair either."

"So you aren't going to give it to her then."

Nate: "Do you think I'm making a mistake?"

"It's a beautiful ring for sure. But I don't think Blair would be happy to receive it if you are not sure about your feelings."

Nate: "... Thanks."

He said while giving me a weak smile.

Nate: "It's funny because Chuck told me the same thing."

"He did?"

I remember the way Chuck was looking at Blair when she was dancing on the stage last night.

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