Chapter 2

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I saw some people take Hikaru to a hospital room and I followed them.

I sat in the waiting room waiting for the results.

"Hikaru, please be okay." I said to myself.

I heard the doctor come out and I asked.

"Is she going to be okay?"

"I don't know right now, it looks like she's in a coma right now." The Doctor said.

"Can I at least go in the room?" I asked.

"Go ahead." The Doctor said.

I head into the room and see Hikaru laying there not moving.

I grab a chair and sit down next to her bed while crying.

The doctor came in and said.

"You're welcome to stay in this room until she wakes up, the nurses can put an extra bed in." The doctor offered.

I looked at the doctor and said.

"Yes, please." I said.

They brought the extra bed in and I sat on it and grabbed Hikaru's hand and said.

"Hikaru, I don't know what happened, but we're going to figure this out."

I got in bed and looked at Hikaru with sadness.

1 or 2 Days later

I lost in the second round, but was rooting for Gingka to win this thing. I went back to the room and saw that Hikaru was still in a coma and I found out Tsubasa and Kyoya have been defeated by L-Drago and got hurt like Hikaru.

Gingka is facing Ryuga in the final battle, but I'm not going, I'm staying here with Hikaru until she wakes up.

In the middle of the night, I saw something come out of the stadium, it looked like something for the final battle.

I watched from the window and saw Gingka battling Ryuga and it got intense, the battle was going good, but then L-Drago somehow went into Ryuga and he looked different.

"Is L-Drago controlling him?" I asked myself.

The battle got even more intense.

"Please win this Gingka." I said.

There were going for their Special Moves and somehow I think Gingka won.

Three lights came over and one hit Hikaru and she woke up and gasped.

"Where am I? What happened?" She asked.

"Hikaru!" I said.

I came over and hugged her and she was shocked that I was here.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"You were in a coma and I couldn't leave you, so I stayed here until you woke up." I explained.

"You stayed here for me?" She asked while blushing.

"Yes, I was really worried about you and I care about you." I said.

She smiled and hugged me back and asked.

"Y/n, did you have a crush on me?"

I blushed and nervously nodded.

"Y/n, can you come here?" She asked.

I came over and she said.

"I like you too. Ever since, I first saw you, I fell in love with you. You're really handsome and really nice."

I smiled and cried tears of joy and she wrapped her arms around my neck and brought me closer to her and kissed me on the lips and I was shocked, but melted into it and kissed back.

We pulled apart for some air and she said while smiling.

"I love you Y/n."

"I love you too Hikaru." I said while smiling.

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