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By: Steven Hall

Edited by: Susan Chavez

Tyree Champion


Tavion Taylor an average height dark skin character with a Theatre background and a swagger like no other

Derek Davis- a taller stature as a Caucasian with a basketball background and pretty boy persona

Marcus Mendez- Marcus is a Hispanic character and the shortest between him, Tavion and Derek. He's also the brains of the group but makes a nerd look pretty cool

Mystery Man- Who is he? That is up to you to find out.

Roger Diggs- the friend of our Mystery Man

Mr. Charles- the bus driver for the trio at Proverbs High School.

Theatre Geeks- a very nerdy group that can sing. Their focus is usually being the background vocals

Cheerleaders- the world renowned Cheerleaders of the Proverbs High School Basketball team

Principal Buzzworth- a very collected but dorky adult who tries to stay hip

Tevin Taker- a very dark untrustworthy old friend of Tavion

Michelle Marquez- a close family friend to Marcus her and her brother Bruce. A Hispanic girl and lover of Tavion Taylor

Alicia-Ines Dabney- the lover of Derek Davis with fairly Brown skin and a dark secret

Destiny Parker- a petite girl with everything in the right places. She recently moved in and has a huge influence on Marcus

Tevin's Friend 1 & 2- The 'Boys'

Bruce Marquez- a big burly guy with a Pitbull-like presence

Bruce's Friends 1 & 2- The 'Fellas'

Brittany Berry- Beauty or Harlot? A very provocative mixed girl who is hands down the prettiest girl in the story

Setting: This play takes place in the Student Union. Tables can be seen on the first floor food court area. Different groups of students walk by going back and forth to class.

The following is a non-profit personal play!

24K Magic is owned by Atlantic Records!

Listening to the album as the song(s)comes up in the play is highly recommended!

Please support the official release!

Viewers discretion is advised!

Act Ⅰ Scene 1

Scene opens as Mystery Man and Roger enjoy a meal in their campus Student Union (SU). It is late Saturday morning, and they discuss their homework and group project. The Student Union starts to get active. The date is October 7, 1987. Man 1 comes by Stage Right to approach Mystery Man. Narrator says Proverbs 18:24 standing in the middle of the SU


One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

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