Chapter 8

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You were by the exit/entrance of the base waiting for the Bels to arrive. While waiting,you were talking with the MPs that were on gate duty. They had a lot to talk about when it came to life on the base.

You didn't have to wait for long because you could see the two Bels walking up to you and for a minute,you just stared at Belfast.

She looked beautiful in the clothes she wore for the shopping trip.

She looked beautiful in the clothes she wore for the shopping trip

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Little Bel also looked cute in the blue sundress she was wearing. She also had a white long sleeve shirt on under the dress and white leggings.

When you asked what took them so long, Little Bel said that Belfast was getting her dressed.

Honestly, these two acted more like mother and daughter than sisters. They both denied that they were parent and child but everyone could see that it was the opposite. That actually applied to all the ships that had a mini version of themselves.

"Well then. Shall we?" You said,offering your arm to Belfast and your hand to Bel.

They nodded and the three of you left the base to the store inland.

Little Bel had obviously never been off base before because she was running around and taking in the city before her. She would occasionally see something that caught her attention and she would go see what it was before returning to you and Belfast.

I could hear what some of the other people say when ever Little Bel would run ahead and then run back to us and try to get us to see what excited her.

They would say what kind parents me and Y/n were,but we aren't together and Bel is my little sister...but the thought that would invade my mind from time to time is the thought of me and Y/n,together with Bel and some more children...NO NO NO,bad Belfast, don't think like that! Besides he probably only sees you as a friend. After that thought I got a little sad but I shook it off. We still need to get those ingredients.

POV: you.
You could feel the sudden change in Belfast. You didn't know what it was but you could feel it. While you and Belfast didn't talk a lot, you did talk regularly with her and you did consider her a friend.

You had a feeling you know what it is because you could also hear how the people around you called Belfast your wife and Little Bel your daughter. The thought did make you feel warm inside but you pushed it away because you didn't even know if Belfast liked you that way.

Anyway the store was right in front of you so without  further ado the three of you went in and bought the ingredients that Belfast needed.

Location: Azur Lane Naval Base

After returning to the base Belfast invited you to come to her majesty's tea party. You obviously accepted because you wanted to see what it would be like.

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