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The power of youth is on my mind
Sunsets, small town, I'm out of time
Will you still love me when I shine
From words but not from beauty
My father's love was always strong
My mother's glamour lives on and on
Yet still inside, I felt alone
For reasons unknown to me
But if you send for me, you know I'll come
And if you call for me, you know I'll run
I'll run to you, I'll run to you
I'll run, run, run

I sat nervously on the couch awaiting their arrival, mindlessly flipping through tv channels.
I knew what I was doing, sure, thanks to many years babysitting the neighborhood kids. But given the circumstances, I was nervous.
Sudden banging erupted from my front door.
They're here.
I shot up quickly unlocking the door, "Casper!" I smiled.
"Elaina!" He squealed bouncing.
A throat cleared.
"Damn, you in love with my boy too?" Oscar grinned nudging Casper, "way to go son, now try to convince her to buy daddy some new speakers."
I rolled my eyes, "Hello Oscar."
His mouth started to move but not before being interrupted by- "Well hello beautiful, nice to see you too! Mind if we come inside? Thanks hun," Esteban smiled walking by with Jr in tow.
I moved aside quickly, "sorry everyone, come in come in."
Romelia stomped her way through with a sheepish Ramon following behind.
Pepe just nodded with a very tired looking Lila laying on his shoulder.
I glanced around suddenly feeling a bit overwhelmed, you're just overthinking Elaina, you've babysat more kids than this.
"You guys probably have to get going right? Don't worry everything will be fine, I'll send updates to Oscar if you'd like," I smiled reassuringly.
"Why just Oscar?" Esteban mocked, "I'll give you my number too if you'd like."
Oscar tilted his head slightly glaring at Esteban.
I looked up suddenly fascinated with my ceiling.
"Um, I'm sure Oscar could give it to you," I nervously chuckled.
I glanced down before coming across daggers for eyes pointing straight at me.
I hate when Oscar looks at me like that, scary ass.
I nodded to Pepe, "I'll get her Pepe."
He looked unsure, slowly handing her to me, Lila's head shot up, she started to wail and kick.
"No! No!" She screamed.
He grabbed her suddenly shaking his head at Oscar, "I don't know about this Spooky, I don't think I'm ready."
Oscar just rubbed his face sighing.
"I don't want to be here!" Romelia huffed.
Ramon just groaned.
Jr just wiggled out of Estebans arms and started crawling away.
"Pepe, can I show you the room that I did for the kids, maybe, maybe she'll see something that she'll play with, and that might calm her a bit,"  I advised nervously.
He stroked the back of her head gently trying to calm her sniffles.
He nodded, "yeah, don't really have much of a choice sadly."
"Alright kids!" Oscar's voice boomed, "lets check out this room Elaina did for y'all."
We all walked towards the back where I had all the toys I had got, along with two play pens and the spare full sized bed that had already been here for guests. It was all stuff that I had gotten on discount or passed from my mothers friends to me.
It wasn't the nicest play room, but hopefully it'd do for now.
Oscar nodded in approval, "nice," he murmured.
Esteban let out a smooth whistle, "And here I thought you'd have crack pipes and a blow up mattress in here."
I rolled my eyes.
"Kidding," he grinned.
"Thanks for doing this," Ramon nodded to me, "I know it's a lot of them."
"Lila has only known just family; this is gonna be different for her," Pepe murmured looking down.
"I understand, would you like to set her down in front of these toys? Hey Lila?" I smiled playing with the xylophone toy, "look at this! How neat!"
She threw herself forward catching Pepe off guard, "Ugh, ugh!" She squirmed.
"Okay," Pepe laughed setting her down.
She walked fast towards me ripping the cord to play from my hands.
I smiled, "that's a start."
"Daddy you can leave now!" Casper groaned.
"Oh yeah?" Oscar chuckled.
"Daddy can I have my tablet?" Romelia whined.
Ramon nodded handing her a backpack.
Jr was playing with the mini ball pit I got off Amazon, and Lila busied herself amongst the other toys.
I motioned towards the guys smiling sheepishly, "bags?"
"Later sweet cheeks," Esteban winked.
"Thanks Elaina," both Ramon and Pepe murmured in unison.
"Romelia has her bag," Ramon muttered quickly.
"Here's Lilas," Pepe said handing me hers.
I looked to Oscar, "little man doesn't need one really."
I nodded, "I'll see you guys later, trust me they're safe, I'll send updates and pictures if you want them."
"Yes please do," Esteban grinned, "remember I'm getting your number."
"So you think vato," Oscar shot back.
"Hey, hey," Ramon muttered, "let's hash it out in the car."
"Ain't nothing to hash out, Esteban ain't getting her number," Oscar spat.
Oh god.
"Okay later boy's!" I smiled shooing them out.
"Bye mama!" Esteban yelled waking out.
"Later Elaina," Ramon and Pepe both said in unison following behind.
Oscar shut the door.
"Aren't you going with?" I asked confused.
He nodded, "Yeah.... but not before I kiss you."
I smiled bright looking up pecking him on the lips.
"Let's keep it clean it for the kids huh?" I laughed opening the door again.
"That's fine Elaina, how about later we switch it up?"  He smirked.
I laughed, slowly closing the door, "bye Oscar."
I turned around and took a deep breath.

The few short hours spent with the kids weren't as nerve wracking as I thought it was going to be. The babies were entertained with the toys and snacks, and the time was passing fast as I did my best to keep them distracted that their dads were gone, and I was a complete stranger.
Growing up, I always did my best when it came to taking care of kids.
I knew from an early age that it was a huge responsibility and a child's experience and memories should be happy.
I knew what trauma looked like.
I want the kids I watched to look back on their memories with me and think only good things.
I started to smile as I watched them all play.
They really are the cutest.
I was mid-war against Casper in a game of Monopoly, even though he was young he understand the concept of money very well, he was busy negotiating for a hotel when all of us heard several loud bangs at the door.
I felt like all the blood drained from my face as chills instantly overcame me and I started to low key panic.
Was I really that shooken up over the fight?
My once calm world instantly started to feel overwhelming.
More bangs.
"Yo Elaina!" A voice shouted.
I breathed a hard sigh of relief and quickly walked to the front door.
Relieved to find the guys.
"Good thing you answered Elaina, we were getting kinda worried." Esteban stated coldly as he looked down on me.
I took a step back allowing them entrance to the house.
"Yeah Elaina! We were gonna into your house like (ba-ba-bah)," Pepe yelled faking a gun stance."
Ramon joined him holding the same stance almost simultaneously.
"I'm sorry," I murmured sheepishly, "the banging took me by surprise."
"It's okay," Oscar smirked as he was the last one to walk in. Two of his fingers gently lacing the front strands of my hair, "we trust you."
I felt my cheeks redden.
Ramon laughed and Pepe started to make kissy faces.
Seconds later the kids came rushing out of the room.
"Daddy!" Romelia yelled, "I missed you so much!"
Ramon laughed scooping her up in his arms, "I missed you too, have fun?"
Romelia rolled her head back, "yeah it was okay."
Ramon laughed.
"Come on let's go," he smiled pinching her stomach, "Let's go get ice cream."
Romelia smiled so big and bright, "Really Daddy!"
Ramon laughed again as he started to leave out the door, "Duh, gotta get you all sugared up before I get you back to mommy."
Romelia giggled as they left down the sidewalk.
Lila began to cry as she attempted to walk along the wall towards Pepe. He half ran towards her and picked her up leaving kisses all over her face.
"I missed you, I missed you," he said excitedly.
She began to laugh hysterically.
"Dada, dada!" She laughed.
He turned towards the rest of us nodding towards Spooky, "Later Bro, Later Elaina, thank you."
I nodded, "You're welcome, anytime."
Jr began to flap his arms as he spotted Esteban.
Esteban scooped him up and gave him a soft hug resting his son's head against his shoulder. "Hi papi, daddy missed you."
It always surprised me how quickly these guys switched up their moods. They were the most gentlest people around their kids.
I shouldn't be surprised.
I've seen the extent a father's love.
It's amazing.
Esteban nodded approvingly towards me "Bye, thank you."
"Catch ya later Oscar."
"I'll be in touch with you, we gotta talk about that thing."
Esteban nodded eyes slightly widening, "I feel you, I'll be available later, Jr's mom misses him." And with that Esteban left.
"Where the hell is my son?" Oscar half yelled.
"Baby Casper, where you at son?"
My eyes narrowed confusingly, as there was no reply.
I quickly darted towards the play room in a panic and Oscar ran past me.
He paused in the doorway reaching the room before me, chuckling quietly to himself. I arrived beside him to find Casper playing the Nintendo I left out for the older kids.
"Dad!" He said noticing Oscar and I, "can we please stay longer! I'm trying to beat Donkey Kong so I can unlock him on Smash!"
Oscar laughed looking towards me smiling, "what do you say babysitter? A few more minutes."
I chuckled, "that's fine by me, you show him who's boss."
Casper giggled and he stayed busily smashing his thumbs against the buttons.
Oscar nudged me, signaling his head towards the living room.
I took his cue and made my way to the couch.
I was feeling a bit tired and layed my head against the cold cushions. No one had been in here all day. I started to shut my eyes when I felt warm lips kiss my throat. They darted open and then I realized Oscar lips was inches from mine.
Almost hovering over them.
My body instantly warmed and I felt myself tighten down there without realizing it.
Almost as if he knew he began to slide one hand along my stomach, I felt myself fall deeper into the couch as his lips instantly made contact with mine.
Our lips continuously parted against each other in unison and I felt myself unraveling.
I've never felt this turned on before and I felt gross when reality snapped back into me.
"Wait," I said breaking our kiss.
"I know," he murmured matter of factly looking down gently rubbing his chin.
His eyes darted back up peering at me,
"But know, I'm coming back tonight."
My cheeks flushed.
"If you let me."
"Dad!" Casper yelled, "I'm done!"
I only nodded as his eyes left mine.
"Okay son," he smirked."
He saw me in his peripheral.
"Let's go."
And with that he left.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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