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I never felt so sure of myself never felt so strong
If anybody's asking there's not much to say
If anybody's asking I'm just turning away
I never felt so sure of myself never felt so strong
And If We Don't Belong Together
Something must be wrong

I threw my phone onto the coffee table.
I've called her three times.
I've sent her multiple text messages.
She's refusing to answer, and I have no idea why.
I sat back, okay damn I have a clue.
But it's not even like that, and she won't even let me fucking explain myself.
I'm making out with her, and then my ex pulls up.
That was one headache I didn't feel like dealing with.
And now I got a bigger headache.
Elaina won't talk to me.
I walked outside and sat on the couch, lighting up my blunt, getting high and watching all the cars pass by.
I don't how much time had passed, but I saw Ramon's pickup pull in.
He got out and we both nodded to each other, "What's up?" I asked chillin.
He shook his head, "Nothing much."
I nodded, "Okay."
He walked over, "So... Spooky, have you smoked today?"
I chuckled, "What kind of question is that, of course I have."
He looked away rubbing the nape of his neck, "Wanna smoke again?"
I shrugged, "I guess."
He pulled up one of the chairs I had laid around and lit up.
Ramon was being awkward as fuck, he wasn't talking.
We finished smoking, and he pulled out another blunt.
"You okay?" I asked mockingly, "rough day mano?"
He let out a nervous laugh, "Spooky, you uh- heard from any of the girls, talked to anyone.." he asked trailing off.
"About?" I wondered suspiciously.
"Elaina.." he answered flatly.
I was silent for a few moments, "No."
He nodded looking away.
I edged closer glaring at him.
"Why?" I questioned.
"Pearl called me today," he answered serious, "turns out there was a bit of a... a bit of an altercation between Elaina,  and your and Pepe's baby mama."


I stood up fast, "What kind of altercation?"
He cleared his throat, "They jumped her."
I don't think I said anything, I think I just went inside and grabbed my keys.
I rushed out heading to my car.
"Where you going!" Ramon yelled.
"You gonna keep talking or get in?" I yelled back.
I drove off with a very confused Ramon in tow, not even really sure where I was headed.
Was I going to talk to Charlize or Elaina?
I pulled over off to the side of the street.
"Call Pearl and put her on speaker," I ordered.
Ramon looked worried.
He brought up the phone to the middle of us and we were both waiting for her to answer.
"Yeah Ramon?" Pearl tiredly said on the other line.
"Pearl!" I shouted into the phone.
There was a long silence before she spoke.
"Yeah Spooky?" She answered flatly.
I shook my head, "What the hell happened? What's this I hear about a fight with my babysitter?"
"Ex..." she replied.
"Excuse me?" I spat.
"She's your ex babysitter, and what happened was the girls and I went to her work..." she started to say.
"Excuse me? Y'all did what?" I yelled.
"Let me finish," she shouted.
I raised my eyebrows.
"Pearl..." I angrily said.
"Henrietta and I went to go meet her, to talk to her, Charlize and Gloria had other ideas, they were harassing her the entire time, being rude and shit," she continued, "eventually Elaina didn't want to wait on our table anymore, but Flakas and I were able to catch her as we were leaving, we invited her over to talk more at my place, and she agreed," she proclaimed.
I was silent, I lit a cigarette during this time, feeling a migraine come on.
We told Charlize and Gloria that she was coming over, and they wanted to come too, they gave their word they weren't going to start shit, but that was a fucking lie," she muttered angrily.
"What you mean?" I asked.
"As soon as Flakas let her in, Charlize fucking attacks her, and then Gloria joins in, Elaina managed to get out of their grip, and Flakas and I had to pull back the both of them," she answered.
"Why didn't y'all stop it as soon as they put hands on her?" I shouted.
"It all happened fast Spooky, we tried to talk to Elaina, calm the situation down, but Charlize was yelling at her, said she'd leave her alone...if she left her family alone, and that's when Elaina said, "you got it," or something like that. I haven't heard nothing from no one since, called Ramon up to let him know," she answered frustrated.
"Thanks Pearl..." I muttered, "for letting me know."
"Anytime.." she replied.
There was talking in the background.
"Who the fuck is that in the background Pearl?" Ramon suddenly said aggravated.
"That's my boyfriend," she answered flatly.
Well this is gonna be awkward.
"You're what... you're boyfriend? I don't want no fucking guys around my daughter Pearl, you fucking hear me?" Ramon yelled into the phone.
Pearl sighed, "Bye Ramon."
"What... Pearl! Pearl!" He kept yelling.
"She hung up fool," I chuckled.
"This fucking bi-," he started to say.
"Hold up I gotta make a call," I suddenly interrupted.
He looked down, grumbling to himself.
I shook my head attempting to stifle my laugh.
A familiar voice answered, "This is Zatarra's Diner, how may I help you?"
I hung up.
So she's at work.
I started to immediately drive over there.
"Where we going?" Ramon suddenly said.
"To go eat," I answered.

The Los Santos Babysitter | Oscar DiazWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt