Chapter 7 - Everybody's Plotting - June

Start from the beginning

Anna: Oooh! That's so sweet, I'm so jealous of him.


The dinner party continues, Chris asks Kenneth to sit next to him. The two talk about island life, Kenneth does most of the talking since he didn't come to the United States until he was sixteen. Chris and Kenneth were in their own little world when Luis decided to interrupt them.


Luis: an old friend of ours is having a party tonight.

Chris: what old friend?

Luis: that old couple we met last time we were all together right here in the A.

Chris: [making a face that shows he's too thrilled about the idea of going to an event that he feels will be another sex party] ... umm ... I don't think that's the type of party I want to go to.

Keidrick: where's Clay. I miss him. You two were like so love and shit when I came with y'all. [chuckles to himself]

... hey, Lou! What was that nickname y'all had for them? [Luis shrugs his shoulders as Keidrick tries to remember the nickname for Chris and Clay]

... C& C ... oh no, it was ... C squared! [laughing as Chris smiled remembering how he and Clay would be all over each other everywhere they went]

Chris: [sighs] yeah ... I wonder where he is. [pulling out his phone to see that it was placed on silent]

... oh my God, people have been blowing me up.


When Chris sees the multiple missed calls from Brooke and Royce, he starts to think that something bad has happened. He calls Brooke as he walks to the twin's rooms to check on them.




Brooke: [answering the phone and immediately begins to give Chris grief about not calling or checking up on her] hello.

Chris: hi Brooke, is everything okay?

Brooke: who's this?

Chris: [sucking his teeth] really?

Brooke: oh, it's my absent-minded brother Christopher ... [Brooke can be heard saying "Chris' finally returning our calls" to someone in the background]

Addison: I know that you were in the hospital when Brooke had the baby, but it's been almost ... a month now. Do better Christopher!

Chris: yes, you're right. I'm sorry.

Addison: both of those statements are correct. The next thing we need to hear is when will you and the boys be here to visit precious little Jasmine. [her voice become high pitched as she begins to obviously play with her niece]

Brooke: ... so when can we except you?

Chris: I'll make arrangements to visit after I do these first few "thank you" concerts here in Atlanta.

Brooke: so around Independence Day sometime? Sounds great!

Chris: [chuckles] okay, okay.

Brooke: We mostly want to see the boys, but since you're their father, I guess you can come along as well.

Chris: [laughs loudly, but then covers his lips as MJ moves in bed] wow! Okay, I have guests over, I'll call you later. Love you guys.

Brooke: okay, but stop being a ghost with us ... okay!

Chris: okay.

Brooke: love you too, talk to you later. Okay, BYYYYYEEEE!

From Friends to Lovers - Book IV,  Love GrowsWhere stories live. Discover now