Chapter 31 Hubby Wifie "Jundi" First Valentine's Day

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Jun Pyo
Today is valentine's day since this is i and jandi's first valentine's day celebration together as married will one is sure there will be a dinner just the two of us for it's been a while since we had time together that just us for last few months after we came back from our honeymoon we're both been so busy with work and things there's been a lot that has happened now it's time to get some time off i already planned this a month ago since my schedule is tight as her's is as she start working in the hospital some time next week speaking of work wonder what she up to today.


Jun Pyo
Hey Laundry Girl where are you?.
Home just making sure i already have everything done before my work starts next week but i think all is good why ask?.
Jun Pyo
Good your home alright be ready by six pm i'll pick you up after work and wear something nice ok but not too much got it alright still have meeting i have to go.

End Call

Jun Pyo
Truth is all my meetings for the day is done i just told jandi that i still had cause ever since after we get married she seems can read my mind even i don't tell her what i was thinking she still seems to know it's kinda annoying sometimes but maybe she just knows me better than i do now we're together everyday so just to be sure i have to tell her something before she figure out and now it's time for the surprise and i can already hear them their voices their barks meows and tweets that right i am in a pet shop getting my lovely Amazonas of a wife a dog as valentine's day gift what kind don't know yet and it's been more than an hour and half since i been here yet still can't choose what to get that's is until i got across this handsome golden retriever but i am still way more handsome than this buddy here, alright let's get you home bud sure my laundry girl will love you not more than me of course she love me more, don't tell her i said that ok i will never hear the end of it if you do tell.

Jun PyoTruth is all my meetings for the day is done i just told jandi that i still had cause ever since after we get married she seems can read my mind even i don't tell her what i was thinking she still seems to know it's kinda annoying sometimes...

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Pet Shop Personnel
Hello sir i see you finally found what your looking for just like the woman we have here this morning she also had hard time looking for her dog choice till she pick's and bought the male brown mini pincher dog.

Jun Pyo
Yes i do at last

Pet Shop Personnel
Happy for you sir good choice you have here a fine handsome golden retriever here just like the owner i am sure your wife will love this little buddy so it's twelve thousand eight hundred eighty for the puppy and his stuff please sign these papers here alright here you go all set his ready to go home thank you for coming sir please come again.

Jun Pyo


Everything is set and ready for my work next week just so glad i got the spot i was aiming for in that hospital these past months has been so full for me a lot has happend things been so fast since the wedding glad i still got time to breath after everything going on around lately i just hope jun pyo like my first valentine's day gift for him as husband heck i'm sure he's not expecting i got for him well neither do i getting a dog for him is unexpected a mini pincher the charm of this cute dog that reminds me of him not like i will tell him that his cute in his face or what so ever cause for a fact i know that it just add to his already big load of self confidence of his and speaking of the devil.

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