Chapter 8

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Jan Di POV

It's been few days pa now that me and Gu Jun Pyo are back home from our month long honeymoon and as of now we're back in our daily routine me busy in preparing for my thesis for my final year in college can't you believe it finally i've made it through my my final year after repeating a year in college after a few failed attempts here i come just few final stitches and i'm done and off to go for making my dream as a doctor after all those grumpy dark days in my studying times specially after when
Ji Hoo left and graduated things really makes things worse for me being alone doing things all over again makes me sick just thinking about it even Ji Hoo is still there to helped me up in patching things up from time to time didn't seem to change a lot but i'm glad for him and his assistance to me since day one way way back on our highschool days in Shinhwa High it's still clear to me like a purified water how much help he led me to during those times before and if wasn't for him i'm pretty sure didn't know how to survive those days specially that i've got those situations that ive had with Jun Pyo which ive prefer to call the war with the pineapple head man...... hahaha which i've never dare to tell him coz who knows what will be his reaction if i've told him so but can picture it out already
......... ( Smile ) .........
But having Jun Pyo around knowing that his back for good really does inspire me more after seeing his achievements from being the time we were apart from each other makes me more determined to do my best and excel in the profession that i choose and i can never been so proud of him seeing how great changed he has in his self makes me loved him more but at the same time having him making some funny things around me well guess kinda get me crazy a bit more but i know it's his only way of showing me his support making things lighter for me coz in between studying hard and preparing a wedding liked what we had it's really crazy nuts stressfull for real and maybe it's one thing that you can take away from a person so easily and from upon knowing him for years i know it's a part of him that makes him special from any other guy guess maybe it's one of the reasons why i've fallen in love with him in the first place as i see him as me as how he see things differently so differently that he made me do as well as i get to see know and understand things that i never also thought i would do the way that i do guess it's really true what others says about us then eh,
that were Yin and Yang of each other the reflection of each others self like a perfect piece of puzzle that can only be completed if we're together and without each other were like lost soul in a mazed
And for Jun Pyo well his pretty busy working with Noona Junni in the company and after taking a long vacation for honeymoon he left in bundle of work that now need to do even unnie said that he doesn't need to be back to soon on work but since he's every much hands on his worked like what he or we both do arranging are wedding which we never regret to do so as we were able to do the things we really wanted to do in that special day of our life the day that marked as the start of our life together and as now me living in a new house with a new family well not sort of for number one i've once lived there as a house guest he'll even worked there as house hold worker for a while and able to meet new people people that i learned to love and thought of as family as well and they do the same thing to me so really things did changed at all only making things official for everyone and for everything

Authors Note
Hey new update here sorry for not updating for a while but here it is hope you liked it


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