Chapter 13 Mom

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Gail,, Hey you didn't tell me that there will be press coming here
Yi Jeong,,, Sorry last minute changes
by the way the others are here
Gail,, Really cool.....

Yi Jeong POV

After mine and Gail's descation with the kids participants and there parents i told Gail that our friends are here and she's inlighted upon hearing it we are on our way when suddenly we hear a woman called out my name we turned and i was a bit surprised to see who it was who called my name for it was my (Eomma) Mom i wasn't expecting to see her today for she doesn't usually goes in event's and gatherings like this she doesn't into socializing thing that much so seeing here coming here rightnow really means a lot to me even she had told me she's coming i don't intend to believe her for she always says it but never do so even i told Gail that my mom will be coming and that she'll upset her if she's isn't going but mom did she came and she greeted me immediately upon seeing me turned around

Mrs So POV

TODAY is my dear young son Yi Jeong Exhibit it's one of his things i'm use to it as the successor of our family in the world of pottery his expected to form his duties in line of his position as the next head of our family him taking over from his grandfather as he chooses him over his (Hyung) older brother Jillian my other son who went away from our family i really doesn't want to be in socializing circle i prefer to be home and do my own thing but these time i changed my mind for since my Yi Jeong came back from Sweden after four years i have noticed a big changed in him even before he left for Sweden i came to see it in him and it's such a good kind of changed it makes him a better person that he is now and it came more a hard fact when he came back and i know it's all because of this one girl named Gail became the reason and after hearing him saying to me that she's helping him in choosing the pecies for the arts from kids as part of his new exhibit i come to interest in meeting this woman that bring the man in my son i have always wanted to meet her and now is my chance to do so to thank her for my son that's why i decided to go to the exhibit and as i arrived and enter the place i was greeted by beautiful arts pecies i was looking for Yi Jeong for he knows him and tell him i was going i wanted to surprise him and i know i did as i saw his reaction after calling him out his name after spotting him walking with her which i assume was Gail they turned around and by the look on his face sure i did surprise him as even if i had told him i was coming sure he didn't expect me to keep my word this time as for the record i always said i'll be going to be there in his events in the past but i never did so my presence here now is something new to him even i did tell him i was really going this time for i wanted to meet Gail in person to thank her and to know her better as well
And as i reached them he hugged me and me doing the first move i asked her if her name was Gail Cha not that i'm so eager to to meet her or interrogate her or something i'm not that monster kind of mother to scare off my son's special girl

After our small talk to some parents of the childrens participants here at the exhibit me and Yi Jeong decide to join our friends Yoon Ji Hoo and Song Woo Bin at there table who came as well so we excuse ourselves from the rest and head to off to them we turned and walked towards there direction when we heard a woman's voice that calls Yi Jeong's name so we turned to see who it was and i didn't expect to hear when i heard So Yi Jeong next words
( MOM)....... Oh Yes you heard me right he said So Yi Jeong said Mom,
OH gosh i know he said his mom will come here now even he said to me before tha....t his mom doesn't like going in social events such as this but he also said to me that his mom assured him that she's coming he even said the his mom will be upset if i didn't come it's one of the reasons why i was here but either she comes or not i'm still coming here anyways
But what the heck is these i feel why am i feeling so nervous well it's not i haven't met her from me and Yi Jeong came friends all these years but to think of it yeah we actually haven't meet yet this is the first time lucky
Yi Jeong doesn't notice my cherry red cheeks coz of my nervousness that i feeling its not like i'm his girlfriend or something aren't we OH OH.......
What should i do!!!!!
i say to myself but as i trying to convince myself with her getting close to our spot and right there in then she greeted us all smiles genuinely then she turned her attention to me
SHE introduced herself to me asking me if i was Gail Cha. How on earth does she know my name maybe she heard it over to Yi Jeong saying it better asked him
But then i simply said Yes and smiles in the best way i can
Oh great by the way my name is
Mrs So Kae In i'm So Yi Jeong's Mother it's really nice to finally meet you my dear Gail. Yi Jeong's Mom said

Hello Ma'am it's my pleasure to finally
you to ,,, I say
Oh it was my pleasure to finally meet you dear and please call me Auntie or Tita you choose don't need to be formal your one of Yi Jeong's friends and they all call me Tita so no need to be formal Mrs So Kae In said

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