Kakashi studies him for a moment, his eye has a mocking amusement to it. "Such a harsh tone, Obito. Aren't you happy to see an old friend?" He starts circling around Obito, as if he were prey.

"It's interesting though...," he continues speaking, his voice condescending; almost like they are kids again. "You followed after me, not knowing whether it was a trap." He's smirking and circling closer and closer. 

Obito is uncomfortable with Kakashi's gaze, his eyes slowly following Kakashi's movements as the white haired man circles him. Of course, he is happy to see his old friend, but not in this way. "Just get to the point, Kakashi."

Kakashi stops right behind Obito, close enough for him to whisper and for Obito to hear it. He chuckles softly. "It's almost like you wanted me to lure you and capture you." He reaches around and strokes Obito's neck. The touch is light and gentle almost.

Obito shudders at the soft touch of Kakashi on his neck. His body seems unable to move when Kakashi stands very close behind him, also when he feels Kakashi's breath in his ear.

"I see. So there aren't any points to follow you." Obito steps ahead to move away, he can't let himself get confused because Kakashi is so close to him. Obito decides to go back. "Good Bye.'' 

To be honest Obito doesn't want to leave so soon, he wants to spend more time with Kakashi. He's been waiting for them to meet again. Will Kakashi stop him? Or... maybe getting involved in a fight is fine too.

Fuck. What is he thinking? He's hoping for Kakashi to stop him? Silly. Do you want to make yourself prey like he said, Obito? He thinks to himself. Fuck. What's wrong with me? Obito stops his movement and hesitates. 

Kakashi shifts his eyes into a glare. He speaks out in a low growl. "Leaving so fast, Obito? We're not done here." 

In one quick motion, he pulls out a kunai and brings it up to Obito's neck. Then he snakes his arm around to restrain Obito, locking the Uchiha's arms behind his back. With a pleased hum, he leans in close and lets out a slow breath, right next to Obito's cheek. "Mah... So you want to know why I brought you here? Fine. I'll tell you." 

He presses the sharp end of the kunai to Obito's neck, not piercing the skin quite yet, but causing discomfort. "I'll be honest. I've been watching you for a long time, Obito. Even when we were kids, I loved to watch you." Kakashi's voice grows soft, and he whispers with a shaky breath. "You have a lot of spirit and passion... You drive me absolutely mad."

Kakashi nuzzles into his neck, breathing in his scent. "I want you, Obito. Please be mine."

Obito is shocked when he hears Kakashi's last words, he can't even do anything when Kakashi lunges at him from behind. "What the hell are youー" His words were cut off when he turns his head and sees Kakashi at close range, even their noses touch each other.

Obito can feel Kakashi's breath on his face. He can't believe it. Kakashi wants him to be his? Does this mean Kakashi loves him back?

No, it can't be– this must be a trap! 

Obito turns his head to the other side, "Asshole. Did you think I would believe you? Tch. Running out of ideas to trap your opponent, huh? Kakashi?" Obito seethes. Then he tries to free his hands, "Ah! Let me go!" 

Kakashi's grip is so strong, making him wince. He glances down at the kunai on his neck, ''What are you going to do? Kill me? Do it then.''

Kakashi turns his head so their cheeks are touching. He pulls Obito closer to him by tugging on his arms behind his back. He exhales another harsh breath causing Obito to shiver against him. 

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