Let It End

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"LIZ WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU" Gabe! Shit I forgot all about him.
I ran to him " sorry sorry the line was big"
"I don't give a fuck, come on" he grabbed me
"Where are we going? "
"My buddy got us backstage passes to meet my favorite bands"
Omg I might get to meet ptv.
As if thinking the same as me he said "we are not gonna meet those fags"
Sigh I was never gonna be able to make my own decisions.
Suddenly I saw an angel in front if me. It was Austin Carlile. The Austin Carlile. He was right in front of me. I wanted to say hi. He smiled at me. But as suspected Gabe pulled me away and started talking to Austin. I really wanted to interrupt and hug one of my life savers but with Gabe there I couldn't do anything.
"Hime hurry the fuck up were gonna be late for our set."
I knew that voice. It was the voice that was able to make me stop crying every night. The voice that kept me going.
I turned around. I knew it! it was Vic Fuentes.
Gabe was still holding my wrist tight I tried to pull away I had to talk to Vic I had to thank him I just had to. Gabe held on harder. It hurt like hell.
I was able to get his hand off my wrist. I ran and I hugged Vic as hard as I could.
"Oh damn you scared me. Nice to know our fans love us" he laughed. his voice was just so sweet and angelic.
"Sorry sorry Vic... I'm Liz I just wanted to meet you guys... You guys mean the- " I was cut off and pulled away.
"What the fuck do u think your doing?" Gabe ... Sigh time to get yelled at again but why now. Not in front of Vic.
"So now you wanna meet fags. Fuck I knew you were cheating on me your a slut a whore and bit-" he was cut of by Vic.
"Hey man that's no way to talk to her she didn't do anything wrong what's wrong with you .. Leave her alone"
"Don't fucking tell me what to do fag.. She's my girl and I can do what I want" he turned around and looked at me with anger. Great here it comes. He raised his hand and shut it close. I closed my eyes expecting to get punched. But I was surprised when I didn't feel anything.
I opened my eyes I was shocked at what I saw. Vic had stopped Gabe from punching me. I was scared
"Get your hands off of me fag. She needs to be taught a lesson."
Gabe was struggling to get Vic off of him but no luck.
"Fuck you Liz... when I get my hands on you your dead."
That was it for me. I ran as fast as I could and hid in the middle of cars away from Gabe and the rest of the world. I started crying. I couldn't take the pain anymore it was too much. Gabe may have taken me in and saved me from the streets but he was killing me everyday. I got out the only thing I knew could help me from this pain a little shiny razor. My best friend. I put it on my skin and slid it. I did it about 6 times. Everything was turning fuzzy. I must have been bleeding a lot. But I didn't stop my goal was to kill myself. I was almost there when I heard a gasp. I turned and say a fuzzy vic.
" we need to get you to a hospital now"
"No let me die" i didn't say it clearly but he understood.
I saw him take out his phone
"Hello yes this is an emergency my girlfriend is bleeding cuz she cut herself help me please" he then told the person on the phone the directions.
Wait did he just say girlfriend ? What... I couldn't think straight I felt everything turning black.
Vic was begging me to stay awake
"I'm tired I need a nap" I said
"Not yet please stay awake please for me" Vic begged.
I tried but darkness won me over.

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