Life as it was.

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"Lizzie hurry the fuck up. I don't have time for this"
That was Gabe ... An ass but at the same time my life saver .. If he hadn't taken me in I would probably be dead or in the streets.
"I'm going gosh" im scared of him to be honest. I don't wanna say he's an abusive boyfriend but the thing is he is. He hits me when I don't do things the way he wants me to do them or if I don't hurry up.
I ran downstairs as fast as I could towards the door.
"It's about goddamn time"he aggressively said. We both got in the car.
Sigh as much as I hated him I couldnt do anything about it. After all I didn't have anywhere else to go. He could be sweet at time but most of the time he's an ass. He hurts me a lot. Not just physically but mentally. He's cheated on me about 5 times. I still stayed cuz I had no where else to go. It hurts though no one cares about me especially not this ass.
The only good thing is he was taking me the warped tour. But it was for his benefit not mine he wanted to see these bands and didn't want me to stay home on my own. Let me tell you this he may cheat on me, but he's a jealous prick. For example, just because I said hi to this guy he slapped me and said I was cheating on him. I had to supplicate him into believing me I wasn't. He doesn't trust me to stay home. But I mean I don't have any friends so it wouldn't really matter.
I was happy though, Pierce The Veil was in the lineup. I was gonna see them and maybe even meet them if Gabe let me. I'm praying he will. Pierce The Veil has helped me through everything. Through the shitty life I have. I tried not to think about it cuz I don't wanna have puffy eyes in case I meet Vic and the guys.
When we got there I tried to act casual so Gabe wouldn't suspect anything. I then saw their booth. I had to get a ticket to see them I just had to.
"Gabe can I please get a ticket to meet ptv?" I said
"Hell no! We came here for me
Not so you could see that gay band" I was offended. But what more can I do. I shut my mouth and kept walking. I saw the booth was getting crowded I had to hurry.
"Gabe Ima use the bathroom your not thinking of following me in there are you?" I nervously said.
"Go you have 2 minutes" he sounded annoyed but I didn't care.
I ran as if my life depended on it.
"No more leave now" the bodyguard said.
Fuck I didn't make it in time. My heart was shattered and tears were coming out of my eyes when suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulders. I turned around frightened that it was Gabe.
"Umm I'm not supposed to do this cuz I could get fired and all but I overheard you and your boyfriend talking.. He didn't want you to come pick up a ticket so I saved you one here" it was a ptv bodyguard I was shocked. He must have sense I was shocked since he placed the tickets in my hand and started walking away.
"THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I screamed he turned around and smiled. I couldn't believe how lucky I was. I smiled and I felt happy. for once I felt that life was actually getting better.

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