Wishing desperately to get away from this confrontation, Isaac abruptly took off from the living room. He needed to leave before saying anything that he'd later regret. He brushed past the small crowd that had gathered in front of the couch.

With Isaac gone, Lexi found herself scowling at Cassie for a change. "What's wrong with you?"

Cassie ignored the question. "You're such a slut! You're a fucking slut!!"

"Shut up," Lexi scolded. She stood up so that the two women were now almost eye to eye.

"Why don't you just fuck off out of here so I can have Isaac to myself?"

"Oh my God, are you deaf? Just accept the fact that your relationship with him is over. He's only upset with you because you won't hear it. Oh, and please don't take out your anger on me anymore 'cause it's really not my friggin' problem."

Cassie's eyes narrowed. "You BITCH! I fucking hate you so much!"

Just then, Nikita shoved Cassie aside to stand beside Lexi. She seemed slightly tipsy but was still more than sober enough to take control of the situation. Her hands were on her hips as she gave off a death stare.

"You better fuck off, Cassie," she hissed through gritted teeth. "No one wants to hear your bitching."

Nikita hadn't raised her voice at all, but she didn't need to. She appeared calm on the surface, but everyone could see that she was about to lose her temper. Cassie was one of them, and she knew better than to push more of her buttons. She fled without a moment's hesitation, causing laughter to erupt from some spectators throughout the living room.

As the party resumed seconds later, Lexi grinned at her roommate. "Thanks for doing that."

"Anytime. I'm so sick of her shit, and I'm willing to let her know, too. Plus, she's seen me lose my temper before, so she knew I wasn't fucking around just now."

"I'm assuming it's not a pretty sight?"

Nikita laughed and raised her eyebrows. "You could say that."

"I'll try to remember to not to upset you in the future," Lexi noted. "If you don't mind, I'm gonna find Isaac now. Thanks again for your help."

"Yeah, good idea."

Lexi promptly excused herself to scour the house for Isaac. But he wasn't in the kitchen, the bathroom, or his bedroom. Acting on a hunch, she went through the front door to see if he was outside. Sure enough, he was standing on the front porch with his arms resting on the railing. He looked back when he heard the door open and then close. Realizing who it was, he visibly relaxed while Lexi approached him.

"I think Cassie left."

"She did. I saw her leave in a hurry a second ago. She didn't even see me standing here."

"She called me a few names after you left, but Nikita scared her off."

Isaac smirked, but it faded fast. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For storming off like I did. I just needed to get out of there before I said something really nasty."

Lexi shook her head at the idea. "You don't need to apologize, Isaac. Cassie was being a huge bitch— not that that's new to anyone."

"No shit," Isaac remarked with a sigh. "I'm just about done arguing with her anymore."

"I don't blame you. Look, why don't we talk about something else?" Lexi offered.

"Like what?"

"Well, something you said to Cassie stood out to me. You said that you'd rather date me."

Isaac's eyes went wide. He straightened his posture and smoothed the fabric of his suit. "Uh...yeah. Yeah, I said that."

"Sorry, I don't mean to make you nervous, but...did you really mean that?" Lexi inquired.

"Yeah, I meant it. I mean, I enjoyed our first date, and you seemed to as well. I'm not wrong about that, am I?"

"No, I had a great time."

"Then, uh...do you wanna go out again sometime?" Isaac asked in a cautious tone.

Lexi smiled. "I'd love to. Is tomorrow too soon?"

"No, not at all! Did you have anything in mind?"

"Nikita's going to another Halloween party tomorrow night with some people from her program, so I'll have the apartment all to myself for a change. How about I cook dinner for you, and then we'll watch a movie? You can pick it out, too."

Isaac returned her smile. "That sounds great. So...do you wanna rejoin the party now?"

Surprisingly, Lexi shook her head in response. But before Isaac could question her answer, she pressed her lips onto his for a tender kiss. She rested her arms on his shoulders as his arms crept up onto her hips. Once they broke apart, the two exchanged sly grins.

"Now we can rejoin the party," Lexi revealed. "Do you wanna dance with me, handsome gangster?"

"Sure, but only if you're okay with some really bad dancing."

"Ha! I can tolerate that."

The pair shared a brief laugh before escaping the cold autumn night to go inside for several long hours of dancing with their friends.

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