Unwanted Feelings.

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Kody Cox was the name of the new boy the Evan had talked Auro into abducting into the trio. Kody was really sweet and Mackenzie felt happy that she wasn't the newest person anymore. She realized a quick connection between Evan and Kody. Evan seemed to be shy which Mackenzie had never noticed before. Evan had always seemed to be so confident and comfortable with himself but around Kody, it was as if he was second guessing every word that came out of his mouth. 

After the lunch time meeting, Mackenzie went to the library to study before her next class. Once she entered the library, she noticed that all the tables were full. She went to the law section of the library, trying to hide from all the people when she found a staircase. She decided to try her luck and head up. Once she reached the top, she found a little room with a desk in it. It was perfect for one person to study in. She set her backpack down and sat in the chair. This was her new favorite place on campus and she cannot believe she found it.

As she pulled out her books, she heard a group of people approaching. She looked out the window and saw a group of girls following a boy. Great. That usually means that Adam is around. Mackenzie rolled her eyes and looked back down at her textbook. Suddenly, the door swung open. It was Adam. 

"Oh wow, I didn't know anyone else knew about my hideout." Adam said, closing the door behind him.

"Your hideout? I don't see your name on the desk." Mackenzie replied, without looking up from her book.

"Check the back of the chair." Adam said, leaning against the closed door, crossing his arms.

Mackenzie looked up from her book, startled. She stood up and looked at the back of the chair. There was a gold plate attached to the back that read "Donated By Joseph Harvey." 

Mackenzie looked up at Adam, confused. 

"Your name isn't Joseph..?" Mackenzie asked.

"Nope. My fathers is, however." Adam replied with a smirk.

"Ah, I see. Well, I'm sorry for intruding." Mackenzie said, blushing because she had just embarrassed herself in front of this boy yet again. She began to pack her backpack back up when all of a sudden, she left a hand on top of hers.

"Stop. I'm leaving anyways. Don't tell anyone else about this spot, though. Got it?" Adam said, looking Mackenzie straight in the eyes. He had a very serious tone to his voice. Mackenzie couldn't help but stare. Adam was beautiful, she had to admit it. But he was incredibly rude and she didn't enjoy his company. 

"I got it, alright? let go of my hand." Mackenzie said, removing her hand from under his. Her hand felt so small while his was laying on top of it. 

"Good." Adam replied, then stormed out and slammed the door. 

What on earth was his issue with her? Mackenzie had no idea why he acted like he hated her. He didn't even know her. She planned to keep it that way. 

Either way, Mackenzie needed to head to her class either way. She continued to pack her stuff up and headed out of the little study room. It was no longer her favorite place so she was determined to find another place that could be hers and hers alone. 

Mackenzie's next class was pretty boring. She couldn't stop thinking about how bad Adam made her feel. She also couldn't stop thinking about his hand covering hers, his eyes staring into hers. She didn't understand how she could feel attracted to someone who treated her so badly.

After class, Mackenzie met with Evan, Auro and Kody in the cafe building for dinner. She took her place at the table, joining the conversation that was already in full swing.

"I don't know why everyone is freaking out over the fundraiser." Auro said, rolling her eyes.

"Uh, because it's the biggest event at our school every year? It's like prom for the rich." Evan said. Evan knew way more about the inner workings of the school than Mackenzie thought he did.

"Yes, okay but not everyone can go. So it's really not fair, is it?" Auro said.

"Yeah thats true! Why is everyone freaking out about it if not everyone can go?" Kody chimed in.

"What fundraiser are we talking about?" Mackenzie jumped in, finally catching up.

"The banquet dinner for the Henderson and Harvey company. Ben and Adam's dads are really important in the stock world. They are basically royalty." Auro explained.

"That's why Ben is so show boaty and Adam is grumpy all the time." Evan explained, reaching for a French fry.

"Even I know about the royal stock family Mackenzie, how do you not?" Kody replied.

"I don't pay attention to the stock market." Mackenzie said, taking a sip of her Diet Coke.

"That honestly does not surprise me." Auro said, giggling. "honestly, the only reason I know about the royalty is because of Ben. He was explaining how it can be tough being somewhat famous because he feels like people don't get to know him for him, just his family name." Auro jumped in, taking a bite of her chicken nuggets. 

"So you and Ben have been talking a lot lately?" Evan said, looking at Auro with wide eyes.

"Shut up. We're not going to date. It's because we're working on a duet together. I am going to be his right hand woman for the banquet though." Auro said.

"Excuse me ma'am?! YOU WHAT?" Evan said, shocked.

"What's the big deal? It's just business you guys. Chill out." Auro said, going back to her chicken nuggets.

"Did you get a dress picked out already?" Kody asked, almost as excited as Evan.

"See? This guy gets how big of a deal this is because apparently no one else does." Evan said, smiling at Kody.

"Uh, no? I haven't thought about it actually." Auro said. 

"Can we go shopping with you? ALL OF US? PLEASE?" Kody said, clapping his hands together. 

"Sure? Did you hear all the girls trying to get Adam to ask them to the banquet?" Auro said, looking directly at me.

"Why are you looking at me?" Mackenzie asked, noticing that Evan and Cody were also looking at her now.

"Just curious." Auro said, taking a sip of her water. Evan looked down at his plate and began eating again.

Mackenzie decided to head back to her dorm. She was incredibly confused and exhausted. The first day of class was exciting but she couldn't stop thinking about Adam. Once she got to her room, she went straight to her bed and fell onto it. She had spent her whole life worrying about logic and facts. She didn't want to deal with feelings. She changed into her pajamas and slid under the covers. Why was she still thinking about him? He was like a disease. She rolled over and closed her eyes. She wouldn't let him get under her skin. Or would she?

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