Miles Fairchild 001

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———❝You shouldn't be in here

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You shouldn't be in here.

LOUD pounding on a door down the hall — of the estate you were currently staying in — had woken you up.

You sat up, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed before letting your feet touch the cold floorboards.

You yawned as you tiredly stood and grabbing your phone before quietly making your way out of the bedroom. Quietly heading down the hallway, you looked around to see if you were alone- which you were.

Once you reached the door — where the loud pounding came from — you grabbed ahold of the doorknob with a shaky hand, turning it and opening it.

Hesitantly walking into the room, you turned the flashlight to your phone on to see your surroundings.

"You shouldn't be in here."

You let out a small scream, turning around to see who was talking.

There stood a boy about your age, a small smirk upon his face that was being partially covered by his wild ebony curls.

"Who are you?" You asked.

"Miles." He replied monotonously. "And you?"

"Y/N. I'm here with my sister Kate." You replied quietly, walking out of the room and shutting the door behind you.

"Don't go in there. Ever again." He said before walking away.

All you could do was wonder what his problem was, and why such a cute boy was so rude.

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