• jax and maxen •

ابدأ من البداية

muscular and pretty thick; husky, in a way (ha see what I did there?)
smaller and more lean but still muscular in a way

short; medium length on the tail
short-medium; medium-long on the tail and back of legs

smooth and mostly flat
kinda smooth; messy

soft and silky
very soft and fluffy

dark reddish brown
piercing light blue



the toes of his front left paw are white

black and dark gray
dark gray and white (besides the ones on his white paw, which are black)

black and sharp

small scar at the base of his tail and another behind his right ear. he's also missing one toe on his back right paw and the tip of his tail.




jax is definitely the more initiative one of the two. he oftentimes is the one that comes up with pranks and stands up for his brother. he's a reckless thinker and most of his plans aren't well thought out at all, usually ending up with him or others getting hurt in some way. he's very protective and watchful of his brother, feeling responsible for him in a way. trusting others is a big issue for this one and if he declares you an enemy, you're most likely gonna be an enemy for the rest of your life. a.k.a. he holds grudges like no fvcking other.
maxen, on the other hand, is the more sweet and innocent one of the duo. he usually only gets his mischievous ways from being around his brother. but when he's away, maxen is actually pretty shy and closed off. he's a gullible fellow and will pretty much believe anything you say to him (hell, he still believes in santa). besides this though, he is a real sweetheart and is usually the one apologizing to others for his brother or if a prank goes way too far. he's also very clingy towards others, especially his brother.

• initiative
• stands up for himself and his brother
• protective
• playful
• not very trusting
• sweet
• innocent
• apologetic
• playful

• reckless
• mischievous
• not very trusting
• holds grudges
• can be aggressive
• shy
• closed off
• mischievous (with his brother)
• always believes stuff is his fault
• gullible

• pranks
• winter
• ice cubes
• when humans give him and his brother food
• strawberries
• being with jax
• chasing stuff
• hide and seek
• pools
• cold weather

floating on paws • individual dog roleplay (OPEN)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن