I answered with a simple nod. Before asking her where mum is. And she directed me upstairs in her sitting room.

"Assalamualaikum ( peace be unto you)" I entered. Spotting her on The chair watching News made a cold shiver ran down my spine.

"Inawuni Mommy" I greeted.

"Welcome dear, what would you like to take?" she replied me with a grin. Which made me speechless because this million dollar smile am getting today is too good to be true.

"No am good" I replied sitting close to her, refusing to tear my gaze away from her because her warm welcome was making me suspicious.

Fumbling on my own words, I managed to ask her why she called me here.

"Oh yeah! Nothing much just wanted to discuss something with you." She said. A more serious expression replacing her grin. Making my heart sink and knots forming in my tummy.

"Ok mom am all ears" I replied shifting into a more comfortable sitting position.

"It's about your life haneef. I am your mother and I can't sit back and watch you go astray. You are Thirty six years old haneef, your mates have more than one child, your friend Nurudeen has two kids now. Well it's not anyone's fault your wife cannot give you a child so what is wrong in divorcing her?" She said.

I found my thoughts drifting of what would happen next. How will my Haneefah feel, she has been bottling up so many things and now raising the issue would be like adding salt to her wounds.

I can't keep disobeying my mom, she isn't happy with me and it's not supposed to be like that. A child should have his parent's blessings in whatever he does.

I felt tsunami of emotions shoot through me, a mixture of dread, sympathy, anger, panic, regret.

I was so lost in my thoughts until she tapped my shoulder breaking off my train of thought. I hesitantly raise my head before replying.

"Mom I know everything you've done is out of the love you have for me" she answered with a nod before I continued.

" I know and I understand everything mom, it's just hard for me to make such decision. But I'll think about it mum I sure will. Am not getting any younger, I know I should have kids of my own so give me some time to think about it, I'll get back to you."

Her face lit up and she sighed. " I know sweetie so think about it okay and am glad you understood everything. I wouldn't wish you harm. I just want you to be happy" she replied Patting my back.

"Thank you so much Mom. If you'll excuse me I need to get going it's getting too late okay" I asked finding any possible means to be out of there.

"Ok then bye sweetie, give it a good thought and notify me when you come to a conclusion"

"Yes ma, I sure will" I replied.

I got out and met dad preparing to go to Masjid for Magrib prayer. I performed ablution and headed to the masjid too.

I came out of the Masjid and met my dad waiting for me.

"Good evening dad" I greeted.

"Evening haneef how is your family?" He answered.

"Alhamdulillah she is fine"

" Oh yeah! I wanted to talk to you about your sister humaira. We are receiving guests on Saturday Evening, they are coming to officially ask for her hand in marriage and I want you to be there." He said.

"Masha Allah that's good news dad. I'll be there" I replied with a grin.

We said our good byes to each other before I started my car and zoomed off.

I got home and as usual that preety lady was always there to welcome me.

Oh Allah give us a child of our own. This woman doesn't deserve all these.

I had a warm shower, thinking about what mum said as the warm droplets trickled down my body.

I spent almost thirty minutes before I heard her soft knock on the door. "Yaya what's going on in there? You've been in there for too long" she called her voice laced worry.

" Don't worry am fine" I answered back.

I came out and she heave a sigh of relief, handing me the clothes I'll put on before dashing out to set dinner.

I came down and we ate in total silence. I know she also noticed my dull expression that was why she was also quiet.

She cleared the table and did the dishes while I went to the masjid to pray Isha.

I came back and met her in our bedroom folding the praying mat. "Welcome back yaya" she greeted and removed her hijab.

"Time for talk Yaya" she said sitting on the bed and gesturing for me to sit close to her.

"What happened at home" she asked her voice very calm and her face blank. Something she always do when she is trying hard to hide her emotions.

" Ok it's good news and bad news. Which one should I tell you first?" I asked.

"Bad news" she stated.

" Ummah asked me to divorce you" I told her. Her face was still blank but I could spot the tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Good news?"

" We are going to receive guests at home, they are coming to ask for humaira's hand in marriage." I answered.

" Masha Allah! May Allah bless the union" she said with a smile.

" Am not in for anything this night I want rest" she said. As she headed to the closet to change into her sleeping dress.

I hugged her from the back, nuzzling my nose around her neck, Inhaling her scent.

"No one is taking you away from me princess, I promise you will continue to be my wife for the rest of our lives. No matter what I am not letting you go" I assured her, running my hands down her sides.

She turned around hugging me back as she let out all her bottled up emotions. I just had to hug her then. My heart reached out for her, I felt her pain after hugging her crying figure. It strengthened the love and care I had for her.

Hugs do that to you; create a special bond no one else can share. A step for growth and fondness.

A whole feeling up again is to think a smile like Haneefah's could hide so much pain but not impossible to imagine.

I hush her sobs and whisper encouraging words in her ears as she cries louder, muffled by my shirt.

After some time, her sobs became quieter and finally stopped.

"Baby promise me you'll be strong for us, and keep praying, am positive Allah will bless us with children when our own time comes"

"Yes yaya. I promise you, myself and our future babies that I'll be strong for them." She answered.

I kissed her forehead, and got her to bed before laying down.

"Damn! How did I fall this hard for her" I muttered.

So many thoughts flowing through my mind before sleep finally rescued me from the hands of my worries.

A/N pls read

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